An Analysis of Listening Answers of IELTS 12Test6Section2

Answer analysis of IELTS 12Test6Section2 Listening

The second part of the sixth set of IELTS 12 listening questions consists of 5 individual choices and 5 matches. The previous single choice is relatively simple, and the test routine is also very old, but the later matching synonym replacement is more complex, and involves several uncommon words, which is not easy to correct. Below are the answers to each question.

Click to view this IELTS Listening Corresponding Original recording And what needs to be mastered Key words:

Cambridge IELTS 12Test6Section2 original listening

IELTS Preparation for Listening 12 test 6 section 2 High frequency vocabulary of IELTS listening

Analysis of Listening Answers of Cambridge IELTS 12 Test6 Section 2

Answer to question 11: B

I suggest we meet there for coffee at 10

Answer analysis: Option A breakfast is eaten by oneself before leaving home, while option C lunch is too early. It was mentioned in the original text that we had coffee after meeting at the airport, so we determined that option B was the correct answer.

Answer to question 12: C

Corresponding original text: When we arrive in Munich, we’ll be met at the airport by Claus Bauer.  Claus works for a tour operator

Answer: As mentioned in the original, the tour guide will meet everyone at the airport, and then he will contact the theater manager and the staff of the National Grand Theater. According to the limitation of Munich Airport in the question stem, the answer is C.

Answer to question 13: A

But in fact I've been able to negotiate a rate of 110

Answer analysis: 150 euros is the original price, and 120 euros is the price that the speaker hopes to cut, but his actual performance exceeds expectations, and finally only 110 euros is needed, so the answer is A.

Answer to question 14: B

Corresponding original text: Some of you suggested an Italian restaurant, but I must confess that I decided to book a Lebanese one

Answer analysis: set interference items by turning. The recording first mentioned the C option a typical local resident, but pointed out that this is too much meat for most people. Then I mentioned the A option Italian restaurant, but it was also excluded because it was followed by "but". Finally, according to the transition relationship, B is determined as the correct answer.

Answer to question 15: C

Corresponding original text: On Wednesday after noon, the director of the play we’re going to see that evening will talk to us at the theatre

Explanation of the answer: It is clear from the recording that the director of the theatre met on Wednesday afternoon. He will describe how to choose actors (option A) and how to cooperate with the screenwriter (option B), rather than actually meeting these two types of people, so that the answer is C.

Answer to question 16: F

The play we're seeing on Wednesday evening is a modern one, and we’re going to the premiere

Answer analysis: The difficulty of this question lies in the word premiere. If you know that it means premiere, you can easily associate it with the first time in option F to determine the answer. But if you don't know, you can only do other questions first, and then filter out the remaining options to try your luck.

Answer to question 17: B

On Thursday we're seeing a play that was first performed last year, when it was commissioned to mark a hundred years since the birth in the town of a well-known scientist

Answer analysis: This question uses the method of word meaning summary to replace a hundred years since the birth in the recording with an anniversary. It is not difficult to choose as long as you know the meaning of an anniversary.

Answer to question 18: E

Corresponding original: Friday's play will really make you think hard about what closes to pack, as it’ll be in the garden of a palace

Answer analysis: we also investigate synonymous substitution, but the correspondence between garden and outdoor is not so close, so we need to think about it a little.

Answer to question 19: G

Corresponding original text: On Saturday, we’re going by coach to a theatre in another town, not far from Munich.  This will be the opening of a drama festival, and the mayor and all the other dignitaries of the town will be attending

Answer analysis: Although some students do not know the meaning of dignitaries, mayor is a very common word in IELTS listening. According to its correspondence with officials, G can be determined as the correct answer.

Answer to question 20: C

Corresponding original text: our final play is on Monday, and it’s in the stunning setting of the old Town Hall, which dates back to the 14th century

Answer analysis: This question is relatively simple. Even if you didn't hear the old words in front because of carelessness, you can also lock the answer according to the synonym of dates back to the 14th century and historical in option C.

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Theater trip to Munich: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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