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Tenancy of human beings to copy one another IELTS 7.5 [...]

Tenancy of human beings to copy one another

This IELTS composition asks us to discuss whether the tendency of human beings to imitate each other is reflected in fashionable clothing and consumer goods. Although it belongs to the topic of life, the topic is somewhat abstract, and it is easy for people not to know how to start. Old Roast Duck has collected a relevant 7.5 point model article for your reference.

IELTS Writing Life Topics

The tendency of human beings to copy one another is shown in the popularity of fashion clothes and consumer goods. To what extent do you agree?

The tendency of human beings to imitate each other is shown in the popularity of fashionable clothing and consumer goods. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

IELTS Writing Life 7.5 point Model

Opening paragraph

Nowadays, almost everyone follows the latest fashion trends. For example, we want the latest gadgets that our friends already use and our choice of clothing is influenced by what celebrities wear. This is a clear sign that humans like to imitate others.

Today, almost everyone follows the latest trends. For example, we want the latest equipment that our friends have used, and our choice of clothes is also influenced by what celebrities wear. This is clearly a sign that humans like to imitate each other.

Imitation is because of sociability

We copy because we want to fit in. We don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb. For example, no one, not even those who wear casuals all the time, will wear a T-shirt and jeans to a party where the dress code is formal.  This is because we have a strong need to get accepted. We do not want others to mock our style of dressing or other choices. We want to be perceived as trendy, stylish and fashionable.

We imitate because we want to fit in. Don't want to be embarrassed. For example, no one, even those who always wear casual clothes, will wear T-shirts and jeans to parties that require formal dress. This is because we have a strong need to be accepted. We don't want others to laugh at our dressing style or other choices. We want to be seen as fashionable, elegant and fashionable.

Follow the trend out of insecurity

The tendency to follow fashion trends stems from a basic human insecurity. We are worried that if we do not do what others do or wear what others wear, we may become less acceptable. We follow celebrities because they are already followed by millions of people. Consequently, anything that they endorse will have numerous takers. This is also a way of validating that what we are buying is a popular product. No one wants to waste their money on something that nobody else wants to buy.

The tendency to follow the fashion trend stems from the most basic insecurity of human beings. We worry that if we don't do what others do or wear clothes that others wear, we may not be accepted. We follow celebrities because they have been followed by millions of people. In this way, their favorite things will have a large number of users. This is also an effective way to prove that the items we buy are very popular. No one wants to waste money on something that no one else wants to buy.

Follow the trend without error

Following fashion is also a great way to ensure that whether a product is good or bad, we are not the only ones spending money on it. In a sense, this justifies the purchase. So if everybody is getting the latest iPhone, that itself is a great reason for us also to get it. Worse still, not getting it can be an indication that we cannot afford it.

Following the trend is also a good way to ensure that we are not the only ones who spend money on it, no matter whether the product is good or bad. In a sense, this makes the purchase reasonable. So, if everyone has the latest iPhone, this phenomenon itself is a good reason for us to buy one. Even worse, without it, we can't afford it.


To conclude, humans are social animals that crave appreciation and acceptance. The easiest way to achieve this is to do what others are also doing. Following fashion trends is merely a manifestation of this basic human urge to fit in.

Generally speaking, human beings are social animals eager to appreciate and accept. The easiest way to achieve this is to do what others are doing. Following the fashion trend is only a proof of the basic needs of human beings to integrate into the group.

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