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Is there an IELTS test room in Hunan Institute of Technology? A student asked this question. Then, the old roast duck will give you a unified answer today, hoping to help more students [...]

Is there an IELTS test room in Hunan Institute of Technology?

A student asked this question. Then, the old roast duck will give you a unified answer today, hoping to help more students.

Answer: No, the British Council, the official IELTS test authority, did not set up an IELTS test room on the campus of Hunan Institute of Technology, which may be due to the small number of candidates. However, the IELTS Roast Duck students studying at Hunan Institute of Technology and around the school need not worry too much. Because, you can still find the right test site in Hunan Province.

At present, only Changsha in Hunan Province has examination centers. Therefore, Yueyang's students need to take the bus to Changsha to take the exam. The specific location and analysis of the examination site are as follows (click to view the details):

IELTS Test Center of Hunan Mass Media Vocational and Technical College (South College)

Because of the limited number of test sites in Hunan Province, Laoroasted Duck suggests that everyone should prepare for registration as soon as possible to avoid insufficient test places. If you sign up a week or two before the registration deadline, it may be too late. It is better to register more than 30 days in advance.

The above is the question and answer about "Is there an IELTS exam room in Hunan University of Technology?" For more information about IELTS exam preparation guidance, exam answers, etc., please visit the listening, speaking, reading and writing section of the official website of Old Roast Duck at any time for in-depth self-help learning. You are also welcome to follow the official WeChat account of Old Roast Duck (WeChat search laokaoya) to obtain first-hand information and information. I wish you all success in preparing for the exam and getting the ideal IELTS scores as soon as possible!

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