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In January 2021, the time schedule for the Sydney IELTS test, the latest news of the old roast duck IELTS: the latest news from the Australian IELTS official, the IELTS test in January of Sydney New Year [...]

Schedule of Sydney IELTS Test in January 2021

Latest news of the old roast duck IELTS: We have received the latest news from the Australian IELTS official that the schedule of the IELTS test in January of Sydney New Year has been announced. Then, in today's exam site column, Old Roast Duck will make a summary of the IELTS exam in Sydney in January, hoping to help more students who plan to take the IELTS exam in Australia.

According to the arrangement of the exam organizers, there were not many exams in January, and they have not yet fully recovered from the epidemic. At present, there are one or two traditional IELTS tests in the paper and pencil category, and the number of computer tests is very powerful, almost every day.

Schedule of Sydney IELTS Test in January 2021 (paper and pencil type)

January 23, 2021

Schedule of Sydney IELTS test in January 2021 (computer test)

Almost every day, and some test centers will start on January 20. From January 20 to 23, and from January 27 to 30, there will be arrangements for the IELTS computer test.

Old Roast Duck would like to remind you that in January, the topic of IELTS oral English was involved. Therefore, the old roast duck suggested that you should review more before the exam IELTS Speaking Question Bank , improve your oral English ability and reduce awkward conversation.

The above is the latest report on the schedule of the Sydney IELTS test in January 2021. For more information on IELTS test preparation and guidance, please visit the various sections of the official website of IELTS for Old Roast Duck at any time. Finally, you are also welcome to follow the old roast duck public account (WeChat search "old roast duck") to obtain exclusive first-hand test preparation materials and test information. I wish everyone a smooth IELTS preparation!

 Old Roast Duck IELTS Official Account
Fixed link of this article: |Old Roast Duck IELTS - Focus on IELTS preparation

Sydney IELTS exam schedule in January 2021: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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