Cambridge IELTS 8Test4 Read Passage3 Answer Analysis Collecting Ant Specifications

Cambridge IELTS 8Test4 Read Passage3 Answer Analysis Collecting Ant Specifications Collect Ant Samples

The 14 questions in the third article of the fourth set of questions for Cambridge IELTS 8 reading consist of 4 TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN judgments, 6 feature matching, and 4 chart filling. The overall difficulty is not too great. The following are the answers to each question for your reference:

Click to view this IELTS reading What you need to master in Key words And corresponding Translation of original text

Reading vocabulary of authentic IELTS questions Cambridge IELTS 8 test 4 passage 3 Collect ant samples

Cambridge IELTS 8Test4 Reading Passage3 Original Translation Collecting Ant Specifications Collecting Ant Samples

Cambridge IELTS 8 Test4 Passage3 Reading Answers

Answer to question 27: TRUE

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 1: For economy, or classification … which contain all castes … are desirable

Answer analysis: As mentioned in the original text, for classification, the samples obtained should preferably include all categories. In the question stem, only include is replaced with include, and castes is replaced with members. There are no other major changes, so the answer is TRUE.

Answer to question 28: NOT GIVEN

Corresponding original text: None

Answer analysis: The original text does not mention the new species of ants at all, so it can be judged that the answer is NOT GIVEN.

Answer to question 29: TRUE

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 1: For ecological studies, the most important factor is collecting identifiable samples of as many of the different species present as possible.

Answer analysis: As mentioned in the original text, the most important article for ecological research comes from the IELTS factor of old roast duck, which is to collect as many different kinds of samples as possible. That is, the type and scope are very important, so the answer is TRUE.

Answer to question 30: FALSE

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 1: Unfortunately, these methods are not always compatible

Answer analysis: It is clearly mentioned in the original text that, unfortunately, these methods are not always compatible with each other, and specific instructions will be given later. It can be seen that sometimes a sample collection cannot be used for both taxonomy and ecology, so the answer is FALSE.

Answer to question 31: A

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 2: When possible, collections should be made from nests or foraging columns and at least 20 to 25 individuals collected.

Answer analysis: according to the correspondence between the groups of ants in the question stem and the near and foraging columns in the original text, this paragraph describes the manual collection method, so the answer is A.

Answer to question 32: C

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 4: This method works professionally well in rain forests and marshy areas

Answer analysis: according to the correspondence between rain forest and marshy areas in the question stem and wet habitats in the original text, this paragraph describes the deciduous layer sampling method, so the answer is C.

Answer to question 33: B

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 3: This often increases the number of individuals collected and traits specific that are otherwise useful

Answer analysis: according to the correspondence between hard to find in the question stem and elusive in the original text, this paragraph describes the bait collection method, and thus determines that the answer is B.

Answer to question 34: D

One advantage of pitfall traps is that they can be used to collect over a period of time with minimal maintenance and intervention

Answer analysis: As mentioned in the original text, one of the advantages of the trap collection method is that it can last for a period of time without maintenance or intervention. The minimum maintenance and intervention corresponds to the little time and effort in the question stem, so the answer is D.

Answer to question 35: A

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 2: Individual pieces are placed in plastic or glass tubes (1.5-3.0 ml capacity for small ants, 5-8 ml for large ants) containing 75% to 95% ethanol

Answer analysis: When describing the manual collection method in the original text, it was mentioned that different amounts of alcohol should be used for large ants and small ants, that is, individual samples need to use independent containers, so the answer is A.

Answer to question 36: D

Corresponding to the original text: Paragraph 5: The conservative used is usually ethylene glycol or propylene glycol, as alcohol will evaporate quickly and the traps will dry out.

Answer analysis: When describing the trap collection method, the original text mentioned the reason for not using alcohol, so as to determine the answer.

Answer to question 37: heat

By placing leaf letter on a screen over a large fund, often under some heat.

Answer analysis: It can be inferred from this description that the bottom is the loophole, the top is the screen, the top is the fallen leaves, and the top is the heated place. Therefore, the answer to question 37 is heat, the answer to question 38 is leaf letter, and the answer to question 39 is screen.

Answer to question 38: leaf letter

Corresponding original text: Same as above

Answer: Same as above

Answer to question 39: screen

Corresponding original text: Same as above

Answer: Same as above

Answer to question 40: alcohol

Corresponding original text: eventually fall out the bottom and are collected in alcohol placed below the funnel

Answer analysis: It is mentioned in the original that ants will eventually fall from the bottom and enter the alcohol under the funnel, so the answer is alcohol.

Land of the Rising Sum

Cambridge IELTS 8Test4 Reading Passage2 Answers Analysis Biological control of pests

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Cambridge IELTS 8Test4 Read Passage3 Answer Analysis Collecting Ant Specifications: There are currently 2 comments

  1. 0F

    Could you please tell me whether the general of question 30 and the not always of the original text cannot be synonymously replaced? I still don't understand

    2023-01-18 19:52 [Reply]
    • Braised Duck

      These two words mean the opposite

      2023-01-19 12:11 [Reply]


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