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The number of deaths related to alcohol - IELTS writing table - IELTS short composition model article alcohol related deaths [...]

Alcohol related deaths - IELTS writing table - IELTS short composition model

This IELTS essay asks you to describe the number of alcohol related deaths in seven countries (Lithuania, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Canada, Estonia, Germany, Australia) in 2005 and the beer consumption in these countries in 2002. Because there are many data in the table, it is a great test of your ability to compare groups. Old Roast Duck has collected a related high score model essay for your reference.

IELTS Writing Essay Title

The graph below shows the alcohol-related deaths in 7 different countries and the average beer consumption in 2005.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the description of the correlation of the table that follows.

Sample Essay for IELTS Writing

The provided table data outlines per capita beer consumption and deaths from alcohol intake in seven different countries. Overall, the higher the alcohol consumption was in a country, the higher the mortality rate was there and death cases among men were more prevalent than that of females.

The table data given by the title summarizes the per capita beer consumption and drinking deaths in seven different countries. In general, the higher the amount of alcohol consumed in a country, the higher the mortality rate there will be. Male deaths are more common than female deaths.

In details, average beer consumption in the Czech Republic was the highest in 2002, 132 litres per person, and the alcohol-related death count was also the maximum in this country in 2005.

In detail, the average beer consumption in the Czech Republic was the highest in 2002, with 132 liters per capita. The number of alcohol related deaths in 2005 was also the highest in the country.

Around 1.37 million Czechs died from alcohol-related complexities in 2005 and 0.9 million of them were men. Per capita beer consumption in Germany, Austria and Ireland were almost similar, 107, 106 and 104 litres respectively and death tolls from alcohol intake in these countries were also higher. Around 1.1, 0.91 and 0.58 million people from these countries departed due to their alcohol issues and the number of deceased males was significantly higher than that of females.

In 2005, about 1.37 million Czech people died from complex alcohol related problems, of which 900000 were men. Germany, Austria and Ireland have almost the same beer consumption per capita, 107 liters, 106 liters and 104 liters respectively. The number of deaths caused by alcohol consumption is also higher in these countries. About 1.1 million, 910000 and 580000 people died of alcohol problems. The number of male deaths was significantly higher than that of female deaths.

The lowest beer intake could be observed in Canada, 86 litres per person in a year, but the number of Canadians died from alcohol-related problem was higher than that of Estonia and Lithuania. 125 thousand Lithuanians died of alcohol-caused problems of which only 13000 were females.

In Canada, beer intake is the lowest at 86 liters per person per year, but the number of Canadians who die from alcohol related problems is higher than Estonia and Lithuania. Of the 125000 Lithuanians who died as a result of the problems caused, only 13000 were women.

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