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IELTS of Uppsala University, Sweden requires that in this issue of the topic of overseas colleges and universities, the old editor of roast duck will introduce a Nordic college (Uppsala University, Sweden [...]

IELTS requirements of Uppsala University, Sweden

In this issue of overseas institutions, the young editor of Roast Duck will introduce a Nordic institution (Uppsala University, Sweden) and its IELTS requirements, hoping to help more students who are interested in applying for this institution.

Uppsala University in Sweden is called Uppsala University in Swedish and Uppsala University in English. It was founded in 1477 AD in Uppsala, Sweden (less than 100 km from Stockholm). Uppsala University is the first university in Northern Europe. It has the reputation of "Nordic Cambridge University", and is almost one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in Northern Europe. On《 QS World University Ranking List in 2020 》It ranks 117th in the world and belongs to the world's top 200 schools.

Uppsala University currently has about 40000 students and about 4700 teachers. It is worth mentioning that in history, there have been 17 Nobel Prize winners among the students and faculty here, which are in the forefront of the world in many disciplines.

Uppsala University currently has nine teaching subjects, namely:

Centre for Economic Sciences

English Park Campus

Evolutionary Biology Centre

Geo Centre

Center for Information Technology

Bl ∨ senhus (for teacher training)

Rudbeck Laboratory

Uppsala Biomedical Centre

∨ ngstr ö m Laboratory

The following are the feelings and discussions of students on Uppsala University for your reference:

Could you tell me the time of winter and summer vacation in UU
Autumn in Sweden is a bit strange. Christmas is in the middle. School starts from September to the middle of January, and then enters Winter Term immediately. From the middle of January to the end of May and the beginning of June, and then summer vacation begins.
I just got the offer from uu, but I missed the scholarship application for admission, so I would like to ask whether it is difficult for the seniors to apply for scholarships for the students on campus every semester? Is the scholarship program also for international students? [crying]
As far as I know, the information is quite true. Uppsala University has scholarships to apply for every semester, so there are three semesters to win prizes. Generally, the scholarship is based on the college. The scholarship is used to cover the tuition fees, but you can't see the money. But the scholarship for each semester is directly attached to your card. The physics department gives 25000 kroner for a semester, but there is a lot of competition because all students apply together. The insurance requirement is that every semester every course should be more than 90. As long as there is a course that is not vg, it is almost hopeless. You can go to the school's official website to see what vg means.
I want to ask Uppsala's doctors in North America how they are generally. I want to cover up Uppsala's face
If you can get a recommendation letter from Joakim Nivre and have at least one top meeting, it will not be a problem to apply for NLP PhD in some better schools in North America.
Uppsala University requires international applicants to achieve a total score of 6.5 in Category A IELTS and a score of no less than 5.5 in four categories of listening, speaking, reading and writing( What is IELTS 6.5 )。
The above is a summary of the IELTS requirements of Uppsala University in Sweden, hoping to help more students.
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IELTS requirements of Uppsala University in Sweden: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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