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Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: I have to hand in my paper after reading the IELTS exam. "Teacher, I am too slow in reading. I want to ask if I can write [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: You have to hand in your paper after reading the IELTS exam

"Teacher, my reading is too slow. I want to ask if I can go back and read when I am writing. Do I have to hand in my paper after the IELTS reading? Thank you!"

Answer: You need to hand in your paper.

1. In the written test stage of IELTS, there are two or three times to hand in papers and two times to hand in answer cards.

2. The three submission times are: a After listening, the listening paper shall be handed in to the invigilator. b. After reading, hand in the reading paper to the invigilator. c. After writing, the writing test questions also need to be handed to the teacher

The time of two answer cards is: a After finishing the reading questions, hand in the answer cards for listening and reading (the answer cards for listening and reading are on a piece of paper) b When the writing is finished, that is, when the exam ends, the invigilator will receive the IELTS writing answer card.

3. Therefore, in the examination room, it is not allowed to check and modify the reading questions while writing, because the reading question cards have been handed in.

Solution: Old Roast Duck suggests that students set a time for themselves when they practice reading everyday( How long does it take to read the IELTS )。 When you get up to speed in your unit time, you won't have to worry about the above problems.

The above is the question and answer about "I have to hand in my paper after reading the IELTS exam", hoping to help more IELTS examinees. For more information about IELTS test preparation, please follow the Old Roast Duck Official Account for exclusive test preparation materials and information.

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After the IELTS test, you have to hand in your paper: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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