The score of 25 IELTS listening scores is 6.0 according to the official IELTS listening scoring standard. If more than two pairs can be used, 27 channels can be reached [...]

What is the score of IELTS listening for 25

According to the official IELTS listening scoring criteria The listening score of 25 students is 6.0. If you can get 27 correct questions in pairs, the listening score will rise by 0.5 point to 6.5. If you accidentally make three more mistakes and the number of correct questions becomes 22, the listening score will drop to 5.5. In other words, as long as the number of correct questions falls in the range of 23-26, they are all 6.0 points.

For students with IELTS listening in this fraction, the following three points should be improved:

1. Section 1: Strive for all pairs. If the wrong place is the spelling of the word, you can see IELTS Listening Scene Vocabulary , improve your vocabulary; If the wrong place is the interference item, you can summarize the method of the interference item in Section 1 to avoid making the same mistake next time.

2. Improve the accuracy of Section 4, and strive for a stable 6-7. According to the official statement of IELTS, the recording of Section 4 is the most difficult part of IELTS listening. However, because Section 4 of the exam now focuses on filling in the blank, the test routine is actually very simple and clear. As long as you can grasp the rules, it is very easy for students who have 6 points in listening to 6-7.

3. Pay attention to the interference items of multiple choice questions. Students with this fraction can basically understand the general meaning of Section 2, but the accuracy of Section 2 multiple choice questions is not high because they ignore some details. After you finish, you can compare the original text, carefully think about why an option is right and why it is wrong, and gradually develop your own method of doing questions.

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IELTS listening score of 25: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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