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  • IELTS listening scene vocabulary shopping

    IELTS listening scene vocabulary shopping Shopping usually appears in Section 1 and Section 2 of IELTS listening, but the focus of their investigation is different. Section 1 usually asks one person about a certain product, such as its price, sales address, and recent activities. It is still a question and answer form. Section 2 compares several products of the same model, focusing on their advantages and disadvantages, as well as whether they are worth buying. In other words

  • IELTS listening scene vocabulary job hunting

    IELTS listening scene vocabulary job hunting Job hunting scenes or job hunting scenes generally appear in Section 1 of IELTS listening. Specifically, it can be divided into two situations. One is to communicate with the work study center inside the school or the intermediary outside. The routine is generally that the other party provides several jobs, then explains the characteristics of the job, and then is rejected by the applicant for one reason or another. The other is that the target position has been determined

  • IELTS Listening Scene Vocabulary Library

    IELTS Listening Scene Vocabulary Library Library scenes have always been the focus of IELTS listening investigation, and may appear in four parts. Section 1 mainly focuses on how to handle library cards, how many books can be borrowed at a time, and what punishment will be imposed if overtime occurs. Section 2 mainly introduces the furnishings of the library, such as what books are available in which area and what services the library can provide. Section 3 Two students often discuss how to change

  • IELTS Listening Scene Vocabulary Medical

    IELTS Listening Scene Vocabulary Medical The traditional Chinese medicine treatment scene of IELTS listening generally appears in Section 1 and Section 4, but the focus of the two investigations is different. Section 1 is usually a conversation between patients and doctors. The questions involved often include asking which clinics are nearby, what their symptoms are, how to treat them, and how to make an appointment. Section 4 often focuses on certain diseases, such as malaria and diabetes, as well as their origin, impact and incidence

  • IELTS Listening Scene Vocabulary Diet and Health

    IELTS Listening Scene Vocabulary Diet and Health The topic of diet and health may appear in the four parts of IELTS listening. Section 1 mainly involves medical or fitness related content. For example, what the doctor thinks the body lacks, or what the coach thinks should be eaten more. Section 2 mainly introduces the health benefits and disadvantages of a certain food or diet. Section 3 may be two students or students and teachers discussing the quality of a certain food. Sec ...

  • IELTS listening scene vocabulary repair

    IELTS listening scene vocabulary repair In IELTS Listening Section 1, we often encounter a situation where an item needs to be repaired. For example, after renting a house, I found that the refrigerator was broken, so I need to contact the landlord to repair it. Or if you find the vacuum cleaner cannot be used after you buy it, you need to contact the store manager for repair or replacement. In this scenario, the questions often discussed are: the specific model of the item, what is the problem, when can it be repaired, and can it be returned

  • IELTS Listening Scene Vocabulary Environment

    IELTS Listening Scene Vocabulary Environment Environmental related topics are frequently investigated in Section 4 of IELTS Listening. Occasionally, it also appears in Section 1. Common scenes include environmental travel, animal and plant protection, Antarctic environmental protection, ozone hole, etc. The vocabulary of the environment scene will be more professional, if not mastered, it is easy to sound confused and lose points. Atmosphere Oxygen; Hydrogen; n ...

  • An in-depth analysis of IELTS listening scene vocabulary

    house renting The renting scene is one of the most common scenes in the IELTS listening test. It has appeared six times in the Cambridge IELTS 4 to 9 miles, and also often appears in the real test. Looking through the summary of other websites, I found that it was not comprehensive, so I summarized the words of the IELTS listening scene in the Cambridge IELTS authentic question and the IELTS listening rent scene in the computer book by category as follows, and attached their common investigation methods, hoping to provide some information for roast ducks to recite IELTS listening scene words and prepare for the IELTS exam

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