Compared with the test in mainland China today, the difficulty of the Asia Pacific test is normal. Listening, Section [...]

May 4, 2019 IELTS Answers Asia Pacific volume

Compared with the exam in mainland China today, the difficulty of the Asia Pacific exam is normal. In the listening part, Section 1 is about consulting surfing courses, and Section 3 is about the relationship between elephants and bees. The small composition in the writing part examines the histogram, while the big composition requires us to explore the phenomenon that children play too much games and lack sports. According to the memory of the online examinees, the old Roast Duck Editor sorted out the answers of this exam for your reference.

IELTS Listening

Section 1 Consulting Surfing Course

Type: Fill in the blank

1-10 Fill in the blank

1. length: 2 hours for two people

2. location: Sandy beach

3. Price: four hundred and ninety-five

4. location: near the hotel

5. bring your own transport

6. Best time to go December

7. reservation day: May 17

8. hard for beginner is how to turn

9. need a copy of certificate of insurance

10. name: Jill Fletcher

Section 3 Relationship between elephant and bee

Question type: multiple choice+single choice

21-24 Multiple choice questions

21-22. What have the two results happened as elephants stepping on the farmer’s field? What happens when elephants step on farmers' fields?

C. farmers have less support for elephant conservation Farmers receive less support for elephant protection

E. elephants became aggressive towards the farmers Elephants become more aggressive to farmers

23-24. What two impacts could be made by bees to elephants? What are the two effects of bees on elephants?

B. they like to attack the sensitive parts of the elephants They like to attack sensitive parts of elephants

D. young elephants are affected negatively Young elephants will be negatively affected

25-30 Multiple choice questions

25. What is the result of the experiment of hanging a container of lies by the farms?

C. it can be used for protecting farmer’s crops It can be used to protect farmers' crops

26. How did the elephants respond to the audio recording of bees? How did the elephant react to the recording of bees?

B. they ran away quickly and kept looking back They run away quickly and keep looking back

27. The reason why one herd of elephants did not run away? Why didn't some elephants run away?

B. they never had the experience before They have no relevant experience before

28. What surprised the researches when elephants heard the recording? What surprised the researchers after the elephant heard the recording?

A. some elephants reacted to it immediately Some elephants react immediately

29. What is the drawback of the application of bee recording? What are the disadvantages of using bee recording?

B. training suitable people to set out the device The right person needs to be trained to place the device.

30. What is the other effective method as a deterrent to elephants? What are other effective means to deter elephants?

A. hanging cowbells Hang cow bell

IELTS Writing

Short composition: histogram

Number of cars per 1000 people in five European countries in three years

Big composition: report

Today many children spend a lot of time playing computer games and little time on sports. Why is it? Is it a positive or negative development.

Nowadays, many children spend a lot of time on computer games, but little time on sports. Why does this happen. Is this a positive development or a negative development?

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Answers to the IELTS test on May 4, 2019 Asia Pacific volume: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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