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IELTS G-type essay model text IELTS letter writing to the municipal committee This issue of IELTS G-type letter writing Old Roast Duck is about life. At home and abroad [...]

IELTS G-type essay model text IELTS letter writing to the municipal committee

This issue of IELTS G-type letter writing, Old Roast Duck, is about life. As at home and abroad, there are many public facilities, such as stadiums and other activity centers. The purpose of these public places is to facilitate local citizens. However, sometimes for some reason, some places may be closed, so as a member of the public, you can also write to the local municipal members to express your own ideas.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task

Your local council is considering closing a sports and entertainment center that it runs, in order to save money.

Write a letter to the local council. In your letter,

  • Give details of how you and your friends or family use the center
  • Explain why the center is important for the local community
  • Describe the possible effects on local people if the center closes

You should write at least 150 words

Refer to the model text (it is suggested that you write your own exercise first according to the topic requirements, and then learn from the model text):

Dear Sir or Madam,

Dear Sir/Madam,

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a resident of the Alperton, London area, writing to request you to reconsider your decision to close the sport and leisure centre we have in our community. I am hoping that you would weigh the utility of this centre before shutting it down.

I am a citizen of ALPERTON, London. I am writing to ask you to think twice about closing this sports and entertainment center in our community. I hope you will evaluate the importance of the facilities in this center before closing it.

As you know, we have more than 8 thousand members in our community and only two such leisure and sporting centres. When we are expecting another recreational centre for the benefits of the community members, the decision to shut down the ‘Innercircle Sports & Leisure Centre’ was some shocking news for us. This article is from Laokaoya website. I and my father go to this place to do our daily exercise. Besides, I have noticed many children play there in the evening and local people spend a significant amount of time there. Many teenagers have chosen this place to play some indoor games and spend quality times.

As you know, our community has more than 8000 members, but only two such entertainment and sports centers. When we thought about whether there was another entertainment center to serve our community members, we were shocked by the news that the Intercircle Sports and Entertainment Center was closed. My father and I will go to this center to exercise every day. In addition, I also found that many children also play there in the evening, and local people also spend a lot of time there. Many teenagers choose this place to do some indoor sports and spend a good time there.

If this place is closed, people would feel dejected and I personally worry that the teenagers who use this centre would get involved in subversive activities. This is not at all accepted. If cutting the cost is the only reason to close this centre, I am sure there are alternatives. I have talked to several other members and all of them are against closing this place.

If this place is to be closed, people will feel depressed, and I personally worry that teenagers who use this center will have more destructive activities. This is absolutely unacceptable. If reducing expenses is the only reason for closing the center, I'm sure there are other ways. I have talked with other members, all of whom are against closing this place.

Please do reconsider your decision for the betterment of our community.

For the good of our community, please consider this decision again.

Yours faithfully,


Patrick Stuart

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IELTS G essay model text IELTS letter writing to the municipal committee: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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