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Topic Card of IELTS Speaking Season: Describe a piece of art (like state, paintin [...]

Topic Card of IELTS Speaking Season: Describe a piece of art (like state, painting)

Ideas: The following ideas are for reference only. I hope you can write your answers according to your actual experience

This topic has only one information point: a piece of art. If some of you learn art related majors, this question is quite simple. But I believe that there should be many examinees who are lack of artistic skills like Xiao Bian. They don't pay attention to these contents at ordinary times, so what can we say? Everyone has studied art before. We can say something world-famous, such as the Mona Lisa, the statue of David, and the murals of Genesis. We can also say something with Chinese characteristics, such as Dunhuang murals, Longmen Grottoes, etc. In addition, we can also get closer to life and talk about sculptures in schools. Or simply use art as a carrier to tell a story, such as the gift from a child or boyfriend/girlfriend.

The following is the reference answer given by the old roast duck editor according to the specific question requirements:

Describe a piece of art (like statue, painting)

You should say:

What it is

Where you saw it

What it looked like

How you feel about it

I want to tell you that the artwork is the Mona Lisa. It is a bust created by Leonardo da Vinci, a Renaissance artist. It is known as the world's most famous, most expensive, most visited, most imitated, most novel creation sources, and most song creation sources.

The piece of art I am going to tell you is Mona Lisa. It is a half-length portrait painting by the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci that has been described as the best known, the most visited, the most sung about, the most parodied and the most valuable work of art in the world.

The figure in the painting is Lisa Gradini, a member of a wealthy family in Florence. She sat upright in the armchair, hands together, slightly conservative. Eyes look at the painter, lifelike. The corners of the mouth and eyes bend slightly, revealing a mysterious smile.

The painting is thought to be a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, a member of some wealthy family in Florence. The woman sits markedly upright in an armchair with her arms folded, a sign of her reserved posture. Her gaze is fixed on the observer. And with her slightly curved corners of mouth and eyes, she seems to convey a mysterious smile

The first time I saw this painting was in the art textbook of primary school, when the teacher introduced the background of the painting to us. A few years ago, when I traveled to France, I saw its authentic work in the Louvre. The picture was fixed to the wall, protected by a strong layer of glass. There are countless people watching or taking photos before the painting. Very difficult to approach. I just glanced at the distance and left.

I firstly saw the picture of this painting on the textbook of art in primary school and my teacher introduced the above background information. A couple of years ago, when I was traveling around Europe, I saw its original piece in Louvre Museum in France. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. The painting was fixed on the wall in a concrete glass box. In front of it were hundreds of people, who were either admiring it or taking a picture of it. It was nearly impossible to get through and come close. So I only caught a glimpse of it and move on.

Maybe it's because I don't have artistic talent. Although I know it's great, I can't feel its beauty. In my opinion, it is not very different from other paintings. I don't know why people are so keen on it.

Maybe it is because I am short of art talent. Though I know this painting is great, I cannot tell where the beauty lies. In my eyes, there is not big difference between it and the other famous paintings. I do not understand why some people admire it so much.

I don't know what the examiner Part three will ask That must be checked " Part three Art related issues

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Topic Card of IELTS Speaking Season: Describe a piece of art (like state, painting)!


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