Recently, weight loss has been very smooth, from 90kg+to 79kg last month, to 183.5cm/73kg at present, which has achieved satisfactory results. Lin Dan, a badminton player, was very fond of in college. At that time, it was the Beijing Olympic Games. The wonderful performance of Super Dan left a deep impression on badminton enthusiasts. His height and weight were 178cm/72Kg. At that time, I was as fat as a pig. I felt that I could not become Lin Dan. On the day of its realization, it has become what it once dreamed of. Looking back on the process of realization, it seems that it is not difficult to equip a host before and after 618 this year. As an upgrade of the E3 religious host, the i5-12400F processor selected at that time felt strong enough. Even today, I still think so, because Pinduo gave away a batch of large coupons during the Double 11 Festival, I changed this idea. After using - 200 coupons, i5-1360

It's really a happy news. The blogger's weight has successfully dropped to 79kg, and it took about a month from 90kg+to 79kg. In addition to the birth weight, the earliest memory can be traced back to junior high school graduation. When I graduated from junior high school, my weight was 80Kg. I never saw a weight lower than 80Kg after that. At that time, the height was about 170cm+, while today's figure is 183.5cm/79Kg. It seems that it has never been so thin in history. I remember when I was in high school, the school food was poor, and there was little meat based on vegetables. I often felt hungry in class. When it comes to the next meal, I will eat a big meal. If I can't make it to the next meal, I will be hungry. Every weekend, parents will come to school to deliver meals. Big fish and big meat are indispensable, and the overall weight is also growing. After graduating from high school, parents often take them out to restaurants. When college started, they were a little fat like pigs. Even more so in college

Shandong people have no impression of the earthquake. It seems that they have only experienced one earthquake for so many years, that is, a magnitude 4 earthquake when the epidemic just broke out three years ago. It should be the highest level earthquake that Shandong people can encounter. After that, everyone cheered and laughed downstairs, and didn't take it seriously. I have heard from my elders since I was young that there will be no big earthquake in Shandong. This is not true. The latest earthquake has refreshed our understanding that earthquakes can be so terrible. This is a 5.5 magnitude earthquake. The blogger is only 80 kilometers away from the epicenter. At 2:35 in the morning that day, the blogger remembered it very clearly. It was terrible. At that time, I was lying on the bed and sleeping face down. At first, I felt like driving on a bad road, which was very bumpy. Then I heard the sound of broken glass, opened my eyes and saw the bed shaking, feeling as if I was shaking uncontrollably on a trampoline. The earthquake lasted more than 10 seconds in total, and the blogger stopped soon after opening his eyes.

The old computer broke down in a very competitive way. It broke completely, and there was no maintenance value at all. The e3 theological computer assembled in 2013 has been repaired for many times during the 10 years of service. In recent years, there have been many problems. The bad thing this time is the motherboard, which does not light up. This motherboard model is very old. It is estimated that it has been out of production for more than 7 years. It is difficult to find a reliable second-hand part, let alone buy a new one. Don't wash, don't repair, replace it. The installation idea has not changed a bit since 10 years ago. The key point is that the performance is not poor, the energy is saved, and the money should be spent on the blade. In recent years, I have not changed my computer because I want to skip DDR4 and go directly to D5. At present, the development of D5 seems to have reached a relatively mature stage. It seems that there are not many options for using D5 memory. The 12100F/12400F and B760 chipsets should be the most cost-effective combination. On this basis, 512G capacity of PCIE4.0 is also the price performance ratio of SSD

He was given the nickname Big Orange in college because he liked to eat orange fruits and often wore orange coats. I clearly remember that the oranges bought at the school supermarket at that time were 3 yuan per kilogram, and a total of 10 yuan were bought. In a short time, they were all killed. It looked like they were not enough. The sour and sweet oranges are really delicious. As long as you have them on hand, they will soon be consumed. Later, I learned that there is another kind of fruit called Wo Gan, which looks like an orange, so I can't remember whether it was Wo Gan or an orange. Recently, I was poisoned by PDD and wanted to buy anything. The price of seedless mandarin is about 3 yuan per kilogram, which is cheaper than the school supermarket price more than ten years ago. This year, we have digested hundreds of yuan of seedless mandarin oranges. Sometimes, we eat mandarin oranges as food. When we are full, people become more agile. Every once in a while, when shopping online, I always have a box of oranges on hand. I'm still a teenager, and I deserve the nickname "Big Orange"

After the epidemic prevention at the end of last year, it has been a lot easier recently. I dare to eat in the canteen. It's OK to not wear masks occasionally. The virus seems to disappear suddenly. Take advantage of the disappearance of the virus to exercise. Now the purpose of physical exercise is very strong. It is purely to enhance the heart and lung function. It is totally different from the interest of playing basketball in the past. I received a lot of small advertisements for fitness cards, but I am not interested in the gym. The main reason is that the cost of time is too high and too much time is wasted on the road. In order to make full use of the spare time for fitness, I bought several skipping ropes from the Internet, one in the drawer and one in the armrest box. Rope skipping is wonderful. There are many aerobic exercises with controllable speed, which are not too boring. You can jump outdoors at any time. It is very convenient. You should consider the feelings of others when you exercise indoors, especially when you exercise at home, which may disturb your neighbors. For a while, I tried to run stairs. I could go out and practice. After practice, I went home and took a bath