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Bookshelf in the studio

The bookshelf is the most indispensable. For me, the studio should first be a study that I yearn for all the time. All my books can be classified and placed on the shelf on one side of the floor. When I have nothing to do, I can browse the shelves, select the books I am interested in, turn them over, and have a look. With such a large bookshelf, a place where all my books can be put down, I can often have the idea of seizing the time to read more books. There are 10000 reading impulses and 100000 interesting questions waiting for me to explore on the bookshelf.

The bookshelf is the place where I am most proud of my studio, the place where the studio can provide me with power and inspiration, and the place where I am most calm. Now it is placed behind me. In the future, I hope my bookshelves can surround me. The bookshelves are behind me. They give me confidence. The bookshelves are in front of me. They inspire me. One day, There will also be books published by myself on the bookshelf.

January 11, 20224

Complete the to-do list

I have accumulated a lot of to-do items, and it's time to leave more time for myself to complete these to-do items instead of constantly increasing the list of to-do items. We need to implement more of our ideas. Don't let some thought sparks flicker in my life just once. Let them really become a solid puzzle in my life career.

September 25, 2023

2 writing tomato clocks

Give yourself 2 tomato clocks every day to write. Ensure at least 2 tomato clocks of 25 minutes. If I don't make such a setting, my diary may be a running book, a bullet screen made by myself in life.

September 25, 2023

Clip New Attempts

Yesterday, I made some new attempts in editing the recording course at the clip screening:

  • One is to make use of narration recording to supplement the content that was not covered in the course recording. Do some expansion and extension, which is actually very important for the course. This can improve the quality of recorded courses after editing.
  • One is to add voice narration content and text dynamic effect, which can better improve the course effect and prevent the screen from not changing dynamically for a long time. In addition, it can better help to obtain the core information of the new content.

In addition, it is necessary to review the content of this lesson at the end of each section, which should also be reflected on the screen.

Once this set of editing workflow is completed, the significance and value of editing will be magnified. A good article has been revised, and a good course video can not "set the tone", but can also be constantly optimized through the editing workflow. Because of the current course recording, I am also exploring.

September 25, 2023

Spam or fraud

Recently, my blog has received many messages that want to buy my website and domain name. More times, it not only makes me wonder whether this is a new way of spam? Is this a new form of fraud? hear nothing of.

September 25, 2023

Do something wrong

We should be more deeply aware that time is too limited and there are many things we want to do. We should be more focused, do a good job in time management, and do more subtraction in time consumption. We must do something, but also do nothing. Say no to some things and some kind of time consumption.

16:18, September 21, 2023

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