China Documentary Network > Exploration · Discovery > Discovery 10/06/2014: The Grand Canal of China (Part 1) Earth Epic

Discovery 10/06/2014: The Grand Canal of China (Part 1) Earth Epic

Video Introduction

The main content of this program: The Sui Tang Canal is a magnificent spectacle that the Chinese people completed with nature in 2500 years. The most direct change brought by the canal is circulation. On the Caohe River, there are many merchant ships. Silk, tea, bamboo, wood, paint, ceramics and other material resources from the south flow into the north. Pine, leather, coal and other materials from the north are also transported to the south. The trade between the north and the south is very prosperous. Qin, medicine and martial arts are all the wisdom gained by Chinese people in the flow of water. (Discovery 10/06/2014) The Grand Canal of China (Part 1) Epic of the Earth

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