China Documentary Network > Exploration · Discovery > Discovery 24/05/2014 Air Battle Legend Episode 1 Bloody and Flaming

Discovery 24/05/2014 Air Battle Legend Episode 1 Bloody and Flaming

Video Introduction

The main content of this program: The Messerschmitt-109 fighter, with an indisputable advantage, defeated the opponent and became the main fighter of the German Air Force in World War II. On September 1, 1939, Nazi Germany raided Poland, and the action code was "Baise Plan". Poland's arsenal, bridges and railways were reduced to nothing, and its command and transportation systems were basically paralyzed. Immediately, the German army launched a whole line assault. On July 6, 1940, in the battle command room, Hitler handed the Nazi German air force commander Goering a plan to conquer the British islands, but actually launched a covert attack on the Soviet Union. Finally, the German air myth was broken on the Soviet German battlefield. (Discovery 24/05/2014 The Legend of Air Combat Episode 1: Bloody Sky)

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