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The Three Gorges Reservoir ushers in the biggest flood peak since the flood season this year

Time: 2019-08-14 07:18:20 Source: Author:

Since August 5, the Mintuo River and Jialing River in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River have experienced heavy rainfall, of which the Mintuo River has experienced the strongest rainfall in the past decade. Affected by this, at 20:00 on August 8, the Three Gorges Reservoir ushered in a flood peak of 45000 cubic meters per second, the largest flood peak since the Three Gorges Reservoir entered the flood season this year.

The Yangtze River Power Cascade Dispatching Center insisted on consulting with the Yangtze River Basin Meteorological Center, the Yangtze River Commission Upstream Bureau and other units to update the water regime forecast in a timely rolling manner, and accurately forecast the flood peak value and arrival time 72 hours in advance, which won sufficient time for this flood dispatching round; The power output mode of the power station shall be arranged in combination with the forecast, and the storage capacity of the Three Gorges Reservoir shall be released in time to reserve sufficient space for retaining the flood; Actively communicate and coordinate with the Yangtze River Commission and the power grid, strive for a favorable dispatching scheme, and achieve the goal of efficient utilization of hydropower resources on the premise of ensuring the safety of flood control.

Next, the Yangtze River Power Cascade Dispatching Center will continue to strictly implement the dispatching instructions of the Ministry of Water Resources and the Yangtze River Commission, further strengthen the consultation, research and judgment of water and rain conditions, give full play to the comprehensive benefits of the Three Gorges Project, and ensure the safety of flood control in the Yangtze River basin.

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