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Evaluation of the peak work of puzzle solving game "Unlocked Room 2"

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2014-02-17 16:13:17 Source: 97973 mobile game website

The Room, a boutique game that has won many awards including "Best Game of the Year in the APP Store 2012", "British Film and Television Arts Award", has been regarded as a masterpiece by puzzle solvers. Recently, its latest sequel, The Room Two, has finally been launched on the Android platform, Is the game worth waiting for months? Let's have a look.

 Evaluation of the peak work of puzzle solving game "Unlocked Room 2"

As a sequel to "Unlocked Room 2", it inherits the exquisite picture of the previous work. The core play method remains basically the same as that of the previous work. It is still superb in the puzzle solving design. Once you start it, you will be unable to extricate yourself. You can't stop until you pass the customs. Even if the weird atmosphere has made your scalp numb, you can't help playing.

As a game of exploring, solving and escaping puzzles, you should first set aside the settings of solving puzzles. When you haven't really started, you have been attracted by the strange atmosphere created by the game. Like the previous game, at the beginning of the game, you will be in a secret room, followed by a simple operation introduction, as to how to find the mechanism, Even in the teaching stage, it will not tell you.

 Evaluation of the peak work of puzzle solving game "Unlocked Room 2"

When you search for the mechanism step by step, you will unconsciously fall into the gloomy and strange atmosphere. The first letter from the game to you has this sentence: I am not the only ghost here.

  【 Picture&sound effect

The picture inherits the level of the previous work, and even slightly improves. The scene and objects look very realistic, and the light and shadow rendering is also just right. You can see the lines and old traces on the objects, and the texture of different objects is well portrayed. One thing that should be appreciated is the depth of field effect of the game, which is very instructive. It controls the players' emotions from beginning to end, and does not break the line of thought.

 Evaluation of the peak work of puzzle solving game "Unlocked Room 2"

 Evaluation of the peak work of puzzle solving game "Unlocked Room 2"

It is not like an ordinary puzzle game. Just put the found things on the top. It shows the real impression, pays more attention to the interaction with the props, turns the key, activates the props, etc., and creates an illusion of touching objects.

 Evaluation of the peak work of puzzle solving game "Unlocked Room 2"

 Evaluation of the peak work of puzzle solving game "Unlocked Room 2"

 Evaluation of the peak work of puzzle solving game "Unlocked Room 2"

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