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amount of downloads: seven thousand nine hundred and thirty-two
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I'm a genius - WeChat game guessing board

Introduction to the game:

The most unruly question and answer masterpiece in history! Challenge your lower limit! More than 15000 special questions are updated daily! Entertainment gossip, film and television music, fashion life, games, animation and other 10 question banks, you can always find what you love! Text question, picture question, fill in the blank question, erase question, question and answer can also be so fun!

seven point five
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essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: December 20, 2013
Version: 1.5.0
Category: puzzle solving
Language: Chinese
Size: 26.4 MB
Developer: Element One Entertainment Co., L
System requirements: iOS 4.3 or higher is required.
label: Online games + Puzzle solving + leisure time + bus
Game impression

Put a humorous coat on popular science knowledge
The question and answer database is rich in resources, entertainment, gossip, fashion and animation
Single machine, networking, and various ways of playing live PK


There are many advertisements, and internal purchase is relatively expensive

Game review
I Am a Genius is a novel answer game. The goal of the game is not to train players to become "walking encyclopedias", "knowledgeable people with thick eyes", and of course, there are no cavities; The purpose of "I'm a Genius" is to "kick the three senses, punch the moral integrity" and "amuse yourself with jokes".
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