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Let mahjong fly

Introduction to the game:

Snail "Let Mahjong Fly" is the first mobile game in China that takes mahjong card operation as the core play method, and combines card collection, mahjong strategy, card upgrade and other play methods. The game is in the style of film and television drama, and adopts the art style of 2D form; The 200 cards have their own characteristics and skills. They restrain and grow with each other, making the game strategy infinitely variable; Players can find new cards and strengthen cards to achieve their own unique strategy by exploring maps, night activities in Shanghai

seven point four
  • Audio visual effect:
  • Novice guide:
  • Operating feel:
  • Easy to set:
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essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: May 22, 2014
Version: 1.0.3
Category: chess and card
Language: Chinese
Size: 182MB
Developer: Snail Game
System requirements: iOS 4.3 or higher system
label: Online games + Chess and card + strategy + Toilet
Game impression

Unique playing method
Integration of film culture
Simple operation


Single picture
Weak interaction
Some functions are not open

Game review
Let Mahjong Fly is a mobile game of chess and cards. Its name is modeled on the fourth film work of director Jiang Wen, Let Bullets Fly. Rather than let mahjong fly, it is a card round game that does not need to be understood. If you like the pleasure of bobbin, shunzi, self touch and hu card, this game must be played. It can make you cry, laugh, roll and boil
Detailed evaluation
Author: Bara

"Let Mahjong Fly" is a mobile game under the Android system. Its name is modeled on the fourth film work of director Jiang Wen, "Let Bullets Fly". Rather than let mahjong fly, it is a card round game that does not need to be understood. If you like the pleasure of bobbin, shunzi, self touch and hu card, this game must be played. It can make you cry, laugh, roll and boil... Now let's follow the steps of Xiao Bian and take you into the journey of the fate of a king of kings.

It has been several days since I began to edit Let Mahjong Fly. I have a little experience with such a funny game. Here is an analysis of the game background, game page, combat operation, card attribute recommendation, strengthening system, game screen, sound and other aspects.

The opening music of the game is very beautiful. When the game is opened, the melody of "Night Shanghai", which was popular throughout China at that time, immediately spreads to the players, so that they can present the stage with lights shining in all directions, the figure of the dancing lady, and recall the scene of night life waking up like a dream, and everyone is drunk if not drunk. It makes people deep in the floating world, but there is a feeling of bright moon in the sky and gentle breeze, The music in the plot was played by chants and saxophone instruments. The popular dance music at that time allowed the minor editor to relax in front of the tense war situation. There is also a sound of surprise. When the game is strengthened, it will make a tempting groan (of course, if there are children, it is not recommended to try this game).

The picture of the game is a very classic 2D picture quality. In addition to the well-known characters, the characters are also interspersed with rich charm and kitty to increase the aesthetic feeling. There are many static pictures, but few dynamic and special effects. If more particles are added, especially when playing moves and playing cards, the players in front of the screen will surely be able to feel the pride, shock, surprise and joy of the king of gamblers more deeply. What makes players laugh is the imitation of celebrities who were dubbed during the war, making the originally casual game the best choice for waiting for the bus and relaxing before dating.

At the beginning of the game, there were also humanized services, simple teaching courses, and soon mastered some simple operations. The main page is very simple on the whole, with only private houses, expeditions, teams, treasure boxes, friends, rewards, and stores (added in version 004). Click "Go on the expedition" to see five maps. The first map is "Goose City", which contains several small checkpoints. Each checkpoint is occupied by a person's name: Madame Ma, Ma Laoqian, Hu Wan, Yellow Mouse Lang, Zhang Sanqiang; The second map is Guangzhou. In version, each map was updated with an elite map, which doubled the number of original maps.

Each time you challenge a card character, you need to consume a certain amount of physical strength. When the physical strength is exhausted, you cannot continue. You need to wait for time to recover slowly. When opening cards, if you see that the cards in your hand are not perfect, you can enjoy a free opportunity to change all the cards. Each round adopts the rule of "three strokes, three strokes", which is slightly different from the actual mahjong playing method. The "listening", "touching", "eating" and "attacking" are all system controls. When there is a wild card, the system will prompt the player to "continue to touch the card, or wild card". Although playing mahjong, the bottom line to win or lose to the other side is not to play wild cards, but to cut all HP values of the other side is to win, even if the cards are not played completely. If there are other card characters in the level, they need to be killed before they can pass the level. The harder it is, the more difficult it will be.

If you want excellent military advisers to assist you, you must constantly update your team characters. There are several ways to obtain more cards. One is to win the booty through battle victory; One is to draw prizes of different grades through silver coins or raffle tickets. Because each card character has his/her own attributes, such as "increase the chance of bobbin", "slightly increase our HP" and "exchange a card from slot machine". The better skill attributes are: chasing after victory, recoil, seven pairs, and fatal attack. The characters with these attributes are Cai E, Nie Aicai, Quan Qiuhen, Chen Zhen, etc. Use to recruit people with various powerful attributes to come back to the team for combination, so that the soldier card can "play thousands" for you, destroy others' hands, achieve your own big card, and let you become the king of kings as soon as possible.

In order to improve the team's attack attribute comprehensively, it can only be achieved through strengthening, which can only be done by swallowing similar cards. When strengthening, both the main card and the material card will enter the bridal chamber. After the wedding night, the main card will get eternal love. When I saw this, I thought of some pictures: when a Japanese character card entered with a beautiful village girl, when the curtain was closed, the ugly atrocities of Japanese devils. What's more interesting is that when you put a Japanese character card and a Chinese man card, the same picture of the bridal chamber will also appear. When the curtain is closed, Xiaobian naturally imagines that the comrades are good. Although this is a small imagination, the game's stereotyped setting, regardless of the situation, is really fantastic.

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