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Overthrow the tribe

Introduction to the game:

Overthrew that tribe Celebrate the arrival of cute sheep guns, and create an empire of personality with you! The original colonial plunder and territory confrontation play method supports cross server war, regimental war and defensive war at any time, integrates friendly settings such as mutual diamond gift, mutual turret building and mutual counterattack, and brings a game experience of subverting the traditional strategic tower defense+simulation operation!

eight point five
  • Audio visual effect:
  • Novice guide:
  • Operating feel:
  • Easy to set:
  • Game features:
essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: March 9, 2015
Version: 1.4.4
Category: nurturance management
Language: Chinese
Size: 109MB
Developer: Tencent Games
System requirements: iOS 5.0 and higher
label: Online games + Nurturance management + strategy + go to work
Game impression

Characteristic colonial system
The contents of the legion are more abundant
PVP tends to be stronger


Too much imitation of arms and buildings
The role of friend alliance is not very prominent

Game review
Although the resources, arms and buildings in the game are set to imitate COC, they have added their own content in the playing method, such as colony, legion copy, alliance, territory, etc. The overall difficulty is less than that of COC, but PVP tends to be stronger. The concept of "grabbing money and food and territory" is perfectly reflected.
Detailed evaluation
Author: A hundred mile cloud

It is also a COC type game. From resources to buildings to arms, there are obvious COC shadows. For example, the magic spring is for holy water, the explosive dragon is for balloon soldiers, and the flint turret is for mortars. If it can be done, players who have contacted COC can completely skip novice guidance and start the game directly - but unfortunately, they have to follow the guidance step by step. In addition, you can bring back all the surviving arms after the expedition, which is the same as that of Boom Beach and CC, but this setting is not special.

Although both CC and Tencent belong to the same type of game, there are still many differences, which is not "fratricidal". If directly compared with COC, there are still many differences. For example, colonization, legion copy, alliance turret, etc. have all made their own characteristics. Next, let's talk about the different settings.

At the beginning of the game, you can follow the novice's instructions to build a "colonial council", and then you can train "colonial officers" in the barracks. The colonial officers in the battle will give priority to singing to the enemy's stronghold. If the stronghold is not destroyed at the end of the singing, it means that the colonization is successful. This setting reminds me of the queen of the Zerg in StarCraft 1 at the first time. However, the pollution of the queen can only make the main base of the human race produce explosive people. The advantage of colonization is that it can directly return 10% of the other party's resource income to its own use - whether those gold coins and magic springs come from mining or plundering. Naked encouragement of PVP, colonial and anti colonial wars will undoubtedly occur frequently. In addition, it is not easy to successfully colonize. You need to control the number and location of attack arms, ensure that the other side's turret will not topple the colonial officer, and ensure that the other side's headquarters will not be blown up too quickly.

The "Legion" can be understood as the "tribe" in COC, but the content is richer: the Legion technology and Legion copy have been added. The former can bring additional benefits to the legion members, while the latter can obtain resources through PVE. However, the difficulty of this PVE should not be underestimated. Although the legion participants take turns to enter the battle damage level, they still rely on the collective power after all. In addition to the collective legion, there is also an "alliance" in the name of individuals: players can form alliances with friends. The only benefit of the alliance is that both sides can build "ally turrets" in their respective territories, and cooperate with the garrison in the "Legion Council" to make their own defense more powerful.

Compared with Legion dungeons, alliances and colonies, although "territory" has never appeared in COC and CC, some non COC type domestic mobile games and even earlier domestic web games have similar settings - attacking other players' territories and looting resources. In this game, I'm not sure whether it's creativity or reference. However, this system still strongly encourages PVP among players: rob money, rob water and rob territory.

There is a unique building in the game, a gem mine. Its function is very simple: pay a certain amount of gold coins to produce gems. Although the price is relatively expensive, 11W gold coins can only become 10 gems after 12 hours, but it also allows non RMB players to add a way to get gems without recharging in addition to achievement rewards. If you want to collect a large number of gold coins quickly, you will naturally return to PVP.

Overall, except for the legion copy, the game has always encouraged players to actively conduct PVP, and even the novice guide says "Get 400 trophies and enter the league" - the only way to increase trophies is to defeat other players. However, the greatest pleasure of this kind of game is to have fun fighting with people. After all, if you send troops to attack AI, you can't get too many rewards. In the middle and later stages, you will risk losing more resources than you gain.

In addition, I feel that the difficulty of the game is less than that of COC, and novice rewards will be generously sent to a large number of gold coins, magic springs and a small number of gems. It is easy and pleasant to upgrade to 10 books. Although it may have something to do with the just test of the game, it is much more enjoyable than the hard work of saving gold coins for decades at the time of playing COC to complete 4 liters and 5 liters.

It's just that the arms and buildings are too easy to remind people of COC. In fact, it's good to join heroes like CC.

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