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Dragon Battle

Introduction to the game:

Dragon Battle is the world's first SRPG magic mobile game created by Snail Company. The game is produced at the international top level, with CG level images and shocking special effects, and with high-quality sound effects, it presents you with a vivid magical world. In the game, two camps fight against each other in life and death, four races check and balance each other, five professions show their magic, and there are up to twelve roles for you to choose from; Exciting adventure in the game, hearty camp gratitude and hatred, passionate ten thousand person territory war

  • Audio visual effect:
  • Novice guide:
  • Operating feel:
  • Easy to set:
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essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: November 26, 2013
Version: 1.1.2
Category: role play
Language: Chinese
Size: 241MB
Developer: Snail Company
System requirements: iOS 4.3 and higher
label: Online games + cosplay + strategy + go to work
Game impression

The picture is natural and powerful
Complete props, high playability
The whole game is smooth, and there is no card frame in the operation


Single background sound effect
The prologue is too long
The game color is too dark

Game review
Dragon Battle is a round mobile game with magic theme first promoted by Snail Company, and is known as the "Homemade Magic RPG Mobile Game No.1". It presents a vivid magic world for you with high standard, CG level pictures, shocking special effects, and high-quality sound effects. Although there are still some defects, it is still the first choice for mobile game fans.
Detailed evaluation

Author: Cloudy sky

When I first entered Dragon War, the opening animation picture was chaotic and wild, and the introduction of voice effects outside the picture gave me a sense of remote and profound time passage. Personally, this part of the content was somewhat lengthy, which would make some game players wait anxiously.

In terms of picture and sound effects, Dragon Battle adopts the consistent style of game painting in Europe and the United States. Both the scene and the characters interpret this style very well. When you enter the game, you will find that the details of the game scene and the details of the characters are also well portrayed. In particular, the dynamic pictures during the battle can show the powerful production ability of the game company.

The Dragon War profession includes two camps: the light force and the dark force; Four races; Five major professions, each race has three career choices. I feel that the richness of professions and characters is not strong enough, and the characters look almost the same, which is easy to make players aesthetic fatigue.

After entering the game, you can easily complete the task by following the main line of the system in the early stage. The plot of Dragon War can be said to be unique. There is no automatic combat mode in combat. Instead, the turn system is selected, and the player controls the action of the character. This makes the game more playable, and the combination of different skills can achieve different effects. Another gratifying aspect is that it also has offline experience, which is very gratifying.

In addition to some regular game copies and tasks, the game also adds a lot of small games, such as flopping and playing hamster, which are similar to Lianliankan. You can get active values while playing small games, and also participate in the daily lottery. This setting also adds some fun to the slightly monotonous game.

To sum up, this game is playable. Compared with other mobile games, it has more detailed pictures, richer and better system configurations, and the player experience of PVP and PVE is very good. It is a good RPG round online game. However, I feel that the compatibility and stability of the game need to be further strengthened.

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