amount of downloads: eight thousand three hundred and seventy-one
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Gangland Wars

Introduction to the game:

Little thugs can't survive in such streets

The streets of Mishenhill are becoming more and more dangerous. Use the most stubborn street fighters, cheats and wanted criminals wandering in the streets to form your gang. To survive in such a dangerous neighborhood, you need to form a gang that can compete with the existing gangs as soon as possible. Only by cheating and underground trading, shooting and stealing can we take over these streets, win cash ruthlessly and occupy the city


eight point two
  • Audio visual effect:
  • Novice guide:
  • Operating feel:
  • Easy to set:
  • Game features:
essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: February 11, 2014
Version: 2.2.2
Categories: actions
Language: Chinese
Size: 143 MB
Developer: Glu
System requirements: iOS 3.0 or higher
label: Online games + action + leisure time + metro
Game impression

The picture is very delicate, and the color matching is very good
3D character modeling better highlights the battle intensity


Poor handling

Game review
Big Time Gangsta established a gang organization, led my younger brother to take part in the shooting adventure, and took over the whole city. The slightly dark color of the game well shows the street style of the black organizations in the United States. 3D characters are used in the battle to better highlight the fierce battle. Simulation business games have no operating experience, but Gangsta is more complicated than other simulation games due to its integration of many elements.
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