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Handed down to the Three Kingdoms

Introduction to the game:

The Legend of the Three Kingdoms is a beautiful ink RPG based on the gorgeous card design and pursuing the "ultimate picture and play". There are thousands of exquisite generals and hundreds of gorgeous skills in the game; The huge battlefield composed of more than 300 maps is not only the familiar blood bridge, but also more wonderful and secret. Let's break through the mountains and rivers and compete for the world!

seven point nine
  • Audio visual effect:
  • Novice guide:
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  • Easy to set:
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essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: January 9, 2014
Version: 1.1.9
Category: leisure
Language: Chinese
Size: 50.5MB
Developer: Shanghai Youyou
System requirements: iOS 4.3 and higher
label: Online games + leisure time + Card + go to work
Game impression

The style of ink painting is relatively novel
Card battle effect is more interesting


Game themes are similar
No too much novelty in card settings

Game review
The Legend of the Three Kingdoms is a beautiful ink RPG based on the gorgeous card design and pursuing the "ultimate picture and play". There are thousands of exquisite generals and hundreds of gorgeous skills in the game; The huge battlefield composed of more than 300 maps is not only the familiar blood bridge, but also more wonderful and secret. Let's break through the mountains and rivers and compete for the world!
Detailed evaluation
Author: Big dream

Whether it is end game or mobile game up to now, game companies seem to have seen the strong appeal and broad market prospects that the "Three Kingdoms" can have, and began to constantly launch their own products to attract players. With the blowout of Three Kingdoms themed games, it is easy to cause product homogenization, The market is in urgent need of an innovative game to change the current pattern. The Legend of the Three Kingdoms is the Nth mobile game with the theme of the Three Kingdoms. I wonder whether this game launched by DeNa can break through in the mobile game with the theme of the Three Kingdoms.

The Legend of the Three Kingdoms strictly follows the traditional ink painting style in the scene design. Even in 2D, it can be seen that the dead trees, rocks and buildings along the road show a strong traditional Chinese style. However, the scene quality after entering the battle has slightly declined, but the special effects of human and object release skills can also cover up this shortcoming to some extent, The battle is to put the original card figures on. The music and sound effects in the game are good, and the skill release sound and fight sound of the characters in the battle further highlight the authenticity of the game.

As a card game, The Legend of Three Kingdoms has not changed much in the main operation. It is still an automatic battle setting without manipulation. The most players can master is whether to start manually or automatically. This is actually useless, and one thing is that the battle cannot be skipped or accelerated. Players can only watch the end of the battle from the side, The online time of players has been greatly extended.

Of course, there are also differences in the game. After entering the level, players need to move forward in the map. On the way, they may pick up money and treasure boxes, or encounter monsters and enter the battle. Later, they will also encounter PVP battles. In PVP battles, players can choose three ordinary cards to fight according to their level of combat effectiveness, You can also fight with all your strength to increase the victory rate. In addition, if the characters of the card generals have little blood, they can choose to take medicine or directly replace them with other generals. However, when fighting, they will upgrade the cards currently playing, so it must be ensured that the level gap between the following card generals will not be too large, but these settings do not actually make too much innovation for the card game.

In terms of playing methods, the Legend of the Three Kingdoms is innovative compared with the traditional card games, but with the current so-called features, it can not better attract the players who like the same kind to enter, so the later games need to seize the current hot spots, promote new according to the needs of the players, not to lead the trend of card games, But it can also avoid falling into its fixed routine to some extent.

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