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Take it! Lvbu

Introduction to the game:

Take it! Lv Bu is a 2D Three Kingdoms KUSO mobile game developed and operated by Yiqu Network. The game has an exciting Q version of characters and funny scene dialogue, which shows a funny Three Kingdoms drama for the majority of players. The level setting and playing method that seems to be a spoof but has profound significance is a major feature of "Take the Move! Lv Bu", and the unique weapon system with skills and the transformation system of generals can also enable players to gain a different game experience.

  • Audio visual effect:
  • Novice guide:
  • Operating feel:
  • Easy to set:
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essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: May 7, 2015
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Card
Language: Chinese
Size: not available for download
Developer: Yiqu Network
System requirements: iOS 5.0 or higher
label: Online games + Card + strategy + bus
Game impression


Game review
Lv Bu is a game based on the Three Kingdoms. The most wonderful story will be integrated into it. The gorgeous special effects and the formation of the military officers will be arranged with you, releasing powerful skills and free combination.
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