amount of downloads: sixty-eight
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JJ Doorman

Introduction to the game:

JJ Fight the Landlord, the most professional fight the Landlord competition platform. For six consecutive years, the National Land Fighter Championship was successfully held. Let you enjoy the joy of chess and card competition in the tense stimulus of "fighting with others is fun". The four characteristics completely beat other board games!

seven point four
  • Audio visual effect:
  • Novice guide:
  • Operating feel:
  • Easy to set:
  • Game features:
essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: April 8, 2015
Version: 4.2.4
Category: chess and card
Language: Chinese
Size: 17.9MB
Developer: Beijing Athletic World Corporation
System requirements: iOS 5.0 or higher
label: stand-alone + Chess and card + leisure time + metro
Game impression

New pictures and music effects
Both stand-alone and networked contents include


The picture style is too dark and dull

Game review
Over 100 million registered users relying on JJ competition platform have a high awareness of JJ mobile games. JJ Fight the Landlord was strongly welcomed by users once it was launched. There is no obvious change in the way of playing the game, but the common existence of stand-alone and online games provides convenience for different players.
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