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Dream of traveling west

Introduction to the game:

Dream Journey to the West is a smart card strategy hand game sensory masterpiece based on Journey to the West. In the game, you can not only experience the classic mythical plot, but also have more than 60 female body leading characters who have strong sensory impact. With exquisite pictures, stunning pop screen effects, simple operation and rich playing methods, Dream Journey to the West will definitely make you love it.

seven point seven
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essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: February 9, 2015
Version: 1.1.0
Category: Card
Language: Chinese
Size: 41.69MB
Developer: Dream Mobile
System requirements: iOS 5.0 or higher system
label: Online games + Card + leisure time + go to work
Game impression

The game picture is exquisite and the special effects are dazzling
Many featured playing methods
Fast token recovery


Lack of effective novice guidance
The upgrade speed is too slow

Game review
The game takes Journey to the West, one of the four famous novels, as the main story model, and adopts the round set card style combat mode. Players can independently arrange the formation according to the characteristics of useful generals. Various game modes enrich the overall framework of the game. It is difficult to upgrade the game, and there is a lack of effective novice guidance when new playing methods appear, which is not conducive to novice players to get started.
Detailed evaluation
Author: Mushroom sauce

Compared with other card games on the market, Dream Journey to the West is relatively more sophisticated in the game picture. The game is relatively refreshing in color matching. The small and fresh Q version picture can attract more female players. In particular, the game not only highlights the funny characteristics of the characters, but also enriches their facial expressions, which is also a highlight of Dream Journey to the West.

Dream Journey to the West is a typical round based card game. The biggest breakthrough of the game is to upgrade the card collision mode commonly used in traditional games in battle to the level of role skill trigger that is often used in round based end games. When player characters attack or trigger weapon special effects, the combat effect is more gorgeous and more striking, It is more suitable for the aesthetic views of current mobile phone players.

The author believes that the biggest money pit in Dream Journey to the West is the acquisition of divine generals. Players can only obtain divine generals cards in the game through the recruitment system, which can be divided into three ways: copper coin recruitment (can obtain 1 - 3 star divine generals), reputation recruitment (can obtain 2 - 5 star divine generals), and yuan bao recruitment (can obtain 3 - 5 star divine generals by consuming 488 yuan bao), Players who want to quickly obtain more powerful divine generals can only recruit through Yuanbao. In particular, the gods will have the function of self upgrading. Repeated gods will automatically absorb repeated cards and improve the level of the divine generals. The higher the level, the more powerful the divine generals will be. The simple and clear recruitment method of Journey to the West makes it easy for players to enter a recruitment cycle, and the silver flows out like water.

When a player challenges a level, the average level of the supernatural general will affect morale. If the average level is lower than the monster level by more than 10, it is almost impossible for the player to pass the level with a full star. This is also the second money pit in Journey to the West of Dream. The level of divine generals can only be improved through the training hall. If players want to quickly improve the level of military generals, they must spend a lot of silver. Otherwise, they can pass ordinary levels, let alone PVP.

If the player's investment is limited, it is suggested that the main force should cultivate 2-3 divine generals in the early stage, suppress the level of divine generals, strive for a higher chapter, and expand the unit yield. In terms of the selection of divine generals, it is still recommended to use object attack divine generals at present, mainly because the object attack divine generals are more resistant in battle, and they are all single targets, and their shooting speed is faster. In the ranking of battle formation, it is recommended that Tang Seng and other endurance gods in the front row can help players absorb more damage in the first two rounds and gain more time for the main attack in the back row to maximize output. Here is the Hall of the Divine General, which is the player's own game level and also determines the highest level of the player's divine general.

There are also many unique playing methods in the game, such as the flat peach garden similar to the farm. Players can obtain different product income such as copper coins and soul by planting corresponding economic crops. In the early stage, the artifact system was the fastest way for players to improve their combat effectiveness. Players only need to spend a small amount of copper coins to increase their gods' multiple attributes by a considerable amount. Of course, in the later stage, the level of artifact is also an important standard to determine the ability attributes of players.

Dream of Journey to the West does have some shortcomings in some places. Compared with other mobile games, its playing method is not very innovative. But somehow, the picture is passable and the structure is in order. Players who like the theme of the journey to the west but are tired of playing other games can try this game for a change, and may have different gains.

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