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Escape from epidemic area

Introduction to the game:

In addition to continuous practice, what better way can you survive in the zombie outbreak world? This game is neither a traditional shooting game, nor an arcade game that hits zombies by pressing buttons. Zombie Day Survival Simulator (ZDAY) is a 21st century character adventure game. It will put players in a real and challenging environment and keep them asking themselves, "What should I do?"

By animation director and producer

eight point five
  • Audio visual effect:
  • Novice guide:
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  • Easy to set:
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essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: May 27, 2014
Version: v2.5
Category: Policy
Language: Chinese
Size: 19.82MB
Developer: Mongadillo
System requirements: Android 2.2 or higher
label: stand-alone + strategy + cosplay + metro
Game impression

High playability
Diversified game process
Strong openness


Slow pace
The picture style is too dark

Game review
A well done word adventure game, each choice may lead to different results, which is a test of players' judgment. Players need to carefully consider how to act in order to survive, kill zombies or rescue survivors as long as possible. The cartoon style picture of the game is also very good, but it is slightly darker.
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