Shanghai Stock Exchange Index ----.--- --.---% Shenzhen Stock Index -----.--- --.---% Shanghai Securities Fund ----.--- -.---% Shenzhen Securities Fund ----.--- -.---%



-.---- (-.----%)
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Latest Net Worth: ----- Yesterday's net worth: ----- Cumulative net value: -----
Rise and fall: ----- Increase and decrease: ----- Five minute ramp up: -----
Public Information of China Shipping Enhanced Yield Bond A (395011) Fund
Serial number three million seven hundred and sixteen thousand six hundred and forty-seven
Fund code three hundred and ninety-five thousand and eleven
Date of announcement 2024-02-29
number one
title Summary update of fund product information of China Shipping enhanced yield bond securities investment fund (China Shipping enhanced yield bond A share)
Full text of information China Shipping enhanced yield bond securities investment fund (China Shipping enhanced yield bond A share)
Fund product information summary update
Prepared on: February 22, 2024
Date of delivery: February 29, 2024
This summary provides important information about the Fund and is part of the Prospectus.
Please read the complete prospectus and other sales documents before making an investment decision.
1、 Product Overview
Fund Abbreviation: China Shipping Enhanced Yield Bond Fund Code: 395011
Subordinate Fund Abbreviation: China Shipping Enhanced Yield Bond A Subordinate Fund Transaction Code: 395011
Fund Manager China Overseas Fund Management Co., Ltd. Fund Custodian Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited
Effective date of the fund contract March 23, 2011 Listing exchange and listing date-
Fund type Bond transaction currency RMB
Operation mode: ordinary, open, open, frequency: every open day
The date when Yin Jing, the Fund Manager, began to serve as the Fund Manager of the Fund November 5, 2021
Securities practice date July 2, 2012
2、 Fund investment and net worth performance
(1) Investment objectives and strategies
Investors should read "IX. Investment of the Fund" in the Prospectus of China Shipping Enhanced Yield Bond Securities Investment Fund for details.
The investment objective is to strive to create stable income for fund share holders on the premise of paying full attention to the long-term security of the principal.
Scope of Investment The investment scope of the Fund is limited to financial instruments with good liquidity, including bonds, stocks, warrants issued and listed in accordance with the law in China, and other financial instruments permitted by laws, regulations or the CSRC to be invested by the Fund. The fixed income assets of the Fund are mainly invested in treasury bonds, financial bonds, central bank bills, corporate bonds, corporate bonds, subordinated bonds, convertible bonds (including convertible bonds with separate transactions), short-term financing bonds, asset-backed securities, bond repurchases, bank deposits and other varieties. The investment proportion of the Fund's fixed income assets shall not be less than 80% of the Fund's assets, the investment proportion of equity assets shall not be more than 20% of the Fund's assets, and the cash held or government bonds with a maturity date of less than one year shall not be less than 5% of the net value of the Fund's assets. The aforesaid cash does not include settlement provisions, deposits, purchase receivables, etc. If laws and regulations or regulatory authorities allow the fund to invest in other varieties in the future, the fund manager may include them into the investment scope after performing appropriate procedures. The proportion of investment will comply with laws and regulations or regulations of regulators.
Main investment strategy 1. Tier 1 asset allocation; 2. Bond investment strategy (excluding convertible bonds): 1) duration allocation; 2) Term structure allocation; 3) Bond category allocation/individual bond selection; 4) Other trading strategies; 3. Convertible bond investment strategy; 4. Stock investment strategy: 1) new share subscription investment strategy; 2) Investment strategy in the secondary stock market; 5. Warrant investment strategy.
Performance benchmark China bond total index yield × 90%+Shanghai dividend index yield × 10%
Risk return characteristics: The base metal bond securities investment fund is a lower risk type of securities investment funds. The long-term average risk and expected return of the Fund is lower than that of equity funds and hybrid funds, and higher than that of money market funds.
(2) Portfolio Asset Allocation Chart/Regional Allocation Chart
(3) The annual net value growth rate of the fund since the fund contract came into force/in the last ten years (whichever is shorter) and the comparison chart with the performance benchmark in the same period
Note: If the year when the contract takes effect is less than a complete natural year, the net value growth rate shall be calculated according to the actual period. The performance deadline is December 31, 2023.
Past performance of the Fund does not represent future performance.
3、 Expenses involved in investing in the Fund
(1) Fund sales related expenses
The following fees are charged in the process of subscribing/subscribing/redeeming funds:
Charge type share (S) or amount (M)/holding period (N) Charge method/rate remarks
Subscription fee (pre charge) M<1,000,000 0.80% Non pension customers
M<1,000,000 0.32% Pension customers
1000000 ≤ M < 3000000 0.50% non pension customers
1000000 ≤ M < 3000000 0.15% pension customers
3000000 ≤ M < 5000000 0.30% non pension customers
3000000 ≤ M < 5000000 0.06% pension customers
M ≥ 5000000 1000 yuan/non pension customer
M ≥ 5000000 1000 yuan/pension customer
Redemption fee N < 7 days 1.50%-
7 days ≤ N < 60 days 0.15%-
60 days ≤ N < 183 days 0.10%-
183 days ≤ N < 1 year 0.05%-
N ≥ 1 year 0.00%-
(2) Fund operation related expenses
The following expenses will be deducted from the fund assets:
Fee category Charging method/annual fee rate
Management fee 0.60%
Custody fee 0.20%
Note: The expenses and taxes incurred by the Fund in trading securities and funds shall be deducted from the Fund assets according to the actual amount incurred.
4、 Risk disclosure and important tips
(1) Risk disclosure
The Fund does not provide any guarantee. Investors may lose their investment principal.
The investment is risky, and investors should carefully read the Prospectus and other sales documents of the Fund when purchasing the Fund.
The main risks of the Fund are as follows:
1. Market risk
The price of the securities market is affected by various factors such as economic factors, political factors, investment psychology and trading systems, resulting in changes in the level of fund returns
The risks generated mainly include policy risk, economic cycle risk, interest rate risk, operating risk of listed companies, credit risk, purchasing power risk
Bond yield curve risk and reinvestment risk.
2. Common risks of open-ended funds include liquidity risk, management risk, operational or technical risk, compliance risk and other risks.
3. The Fund also has the risk of using the side pocket mechanism.
(2) Important tips
China Shipping Enhanced Yield Bond Securities Investment Fund (hereinafter referred to as "the Fund") was approved by the CSRC on November 2, 2010
[2010] No.1515 approved the raising. The approval of the CSRC for the raising of the Fund does not indicate that it has made a real contribution to the value and income of the Fund
Qualitative judgment or assurance does not mean that there is no risk in investing in the Fund.
The Fund Manager shall manage and use the Fund assets in accordance with the principles of due diligence, honesty, prudence and diligence, but does not guarantee that the Fund will be profitable
Minimum returns are not guaranteed.
When a fund investor acquires fund units in accordance with the fund contract, he or she becomes the holder of fund units and the party to the fund contract.
The expression of the risk return characteristics of the Fund represents the long-term risk return characteristics of the Fund under general market conditions. Sales agencies (including fund management
People's direct selling institutions and other sales institutions) evaluate the risk of the Fund in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and the evaluation methods adopted by different sales institutions
Therefore, the risk rating evaluation of sales agencies may be different from the description of risk return characteristics in this document. Investors are purchasing the Fund
The matching test between risk tolerance and product risk shall be completed according to the requirements of the sales organization.
If the summary information of the fund product information changes significantly, the fund manager will update it within three working days. If other information changes, the fund
The administrator is updated once a year. Therefore, the content of this document may lag behind the actual situation of the Fund. If it is necessary to obtain it in a timely and accurate manner
Please also pay attention to the relevant temporary announcements issued by the fund manager.
5、 Other data query methods
For the following information, please refer to the official website of China Overseas Fund [www.zhfund. com] [Customer Service Tel.: 400-888-9788]
Fund Contract of China Shipping Enhanced Yield Bond Securities Investment Fund, Custody Agreement of China Shipping Enhanced Yield Bond Securities Investment Fund
Prospectus of Haizeng Income Bond Securities Investment Fund
Regular reports, including quarterly, interim and annual reports of the Fund
Net value of fund units
Fund sales agency and contact information
Other important information
Fund information type Fund product information summary update
Announcement source China Securities Regulatory Commission
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