Paineng Technology

- six hundred and eighty-eight thousand and sixty-three


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Yesterday's closing: - Opening today: - Maximum price: - minimum price: -
Market value: - RMB 100 million circulation: - deal: - Hand to hand: -
Place of listing Shanghai Stock Exchange
Lead underwriter CSC Securities Co., Ltd
underwrite manner Balance underwriting
Listing recommender CSC Securities Co., Ltd
Issuing price (yuan) fifty-six
Issuance mode Strategic placement, offline inquiry placement, online pricing issuance
IPO P/E ratio (based on total equity after issuance) fifty-four point one three
Total share capital before IPO (10000 shares) 11,613.33
Total share capital after IPO (10000 shares) 15,484.45
Actual issuance (10000 shares) 3,871.12
Expected raised funds (10000 yuan) --
Total actually raised funds (10000 yuan) 216,782.72
Total issuance expenses (10000 yuan) 15,385.87
Net amount of raised funds (10000 yuan) 201,396.85
Underwriting expenses (10000 yuan) 13,418.96
Prospectus announcement date 2020-12-10
Listing date 2020-12-30
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