Hang Seng electron

- six hundred thousand five hundred and seventy


-    -

Yesterday's closing: - Opening today: - Maximum price: - minimum price: -
Market value: - RMB 100 million circulation: - deal: - Hand to hand: -
Historical data:   two thousand and twenty-four    two thousand and twenty-three    two thousand and twenty-two    two thousand and twenty-one    two thousand and twenty    two thousand and nineteen    two thousand and eighteen    two thousand and seventeen    two thousand and sixteen    two thousand and fifteen    two thousand and fourteen  
Income Statement of Hang Seng Electronics (600570)
Unit: 10000 yuan
Report date 2024-06-30 2024-03-31 2023-12-31 2023-09-30 2023-06-30
1、 Total operating income 283,584.90 118,757.02 728,120.30 436,760.61 282,671.31
business income 283,584.90 118,757.02 728,120.30 436,760.61 282,671.31
2、 Total operating costs 277,162.57 122,117.51 610,368.36 416,998.18 279,014.00
Operating costs 81,337.94 37,051.48 183,164.78 122,784.13 79,160.44
Business taxes and surcharges 2,737.96 seven hundred and thirty-four point four two 8,187.59 3,744.16 2,266.82
selling expenses 38,973.03 12,521.75 59,039.28 53,291.57 41,526.19
Administrative expenses 38,533.69 16,307.47 95,317.20 60,110.86 40,033.45
Financial expenses -573.95 -575.02 -1,462.96 -1,318.67 -1,062.24
R&D expenses 116,153.90 56,077.40 266,122.46 178,386.14 117,089.34
assets impairment loss -- -- -- -- --
Income from changes in fair value -12,531.81 -6,695.01 -15,726.69 -856.69 12,435.43
income from investment 5,515.82 one hundred and fifty point nine two 31,383.75 23,628.92 20,992.49
Including: investment income from associates and joint ventures -77.98 -2,641.85 6,874.99 6,097.01 5,862.46
Exchange gains -- -- -- -- --
3、 Operating profit 1,935.36 -3,723.68 145,193.88 59,015.11 45,874.98
Plus: Non operating income one hundred point three eight sixty-one point eight seven three hundred and ninety-three point two five three hundred and twelve point seven two one hundred and forty-six point two zero
Less: Non operating expenses two hundred and fifty-five point zero six one point four four three hundred and twenty-six point eight six one hundred and seventeen point zero six sixty point eight one
Including: loss on disposal of non current assets -- -- -- -- --
4、 Total profit 1,780.68 -3,663.25 145,260.27 59,210.77 45,960.36
Less: income tax expenses -729.58 -146.31 nine hundred and thirty-nine point two one -3,503.32 one hundred and sixty-three point one two
5、 Net profit 2,510.26 -3,516.94 144,321.06 62,714.09 45,797.24
Net profit attributable to owners of the parent company 2,989.03 -3,614.24 142,431.93 60,674.06 44,637.63
Minority interest -478.77 ninety-seven point three zero 1,889.12 2,040.03 1,159.61
6、 Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share (yuan/share) zero point zero two zero zero -0.0200 zero point seven five zero zero zero point three two zero zero zero point two four zero zero
Diluted earnings per share (yuan/share) zero point zero two zero zero -0.0200 zero point seven five zero zero zero point three two zero zero zero point two four zero zero
7、 Other comprehensive income two hundred and eighteen point four four one hundred and eleven nine hundred and thirty point five eight 1,783.86 1,909.47
8、 Total comprehensive income 2,728.70 -3,405.94 145,251.63 64,497.95 47,706.70
Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent company 3,610.12 -3,502.14 143,276.30 62,399.88 46,489.04
Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders -881.42 ninety-six point two zero 1,975.34 2,098.06 1,217.66
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