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Increase or decrease in shareholders' equity of CNNC Titanium Dioxide (002145)
Report date 2019-06-30 2018-12-31 2018-06-30 2017-12-31
Opening balance (share capital) 1591250000 yuan 1591820000 yuan 1591820000 yuan 1593570000 yuan
Increase in current period (share capital) -- -- -- --
Decrease in current period (share capital) -- 576000 yuan 576000 yuan 1746000 yuan
Closing balance (share capital) 1591250000 yuan 1591250000 yuan 1591250000 yuan 1591820000 yuan
Reason for change (share capital) -- -- -- --
Opening balance (capital reserve) 865847000 yuan 866890000 yuan 866890000 yuan 861513000 yuan
Increase in current period (capital reserve) 4467480 yuan 258209 yuan -- 5823560 yuan
Decrease in current period (capital reserve) 38550200 yuan 1301290 yuan 697812 yuan 446495 yuan
Closing balance (capital reserve) 831764000 yuan 865847000 yuan 866192000 yuan 866890000 yuan
Reason for change (capital reserve) -- -- -- --
Opening balance (surplus reserve) 125940000 yuan 88863300 yuan 88863300 yuan 58385400 yuan
Increase in current period (surplus reserve) -- 37076600 yuan -- 30477900 yuan
Decrease in current period (surplus reserve) -- -- -- --
Closing balance (surplus reserve) 125940000 yuan 125940000 yuan 88863300 yuan 88863300 yuan
Reason for change (surplus reserve) -- -- -- --
Beginning balance (statutory public welfare fund) -- -- -- --
Increase in current period (statutory public welfare fund) -- -- -- --
Decrease in current period (statutory public welfare fund) -- -- -- --
Closing balance (statutory public welfare fund) -- -- -- --
Reason for change (statutory public welfare fund) -- -- -- --
Opening balance (undistributed profit) 797915000 yuan 463773000 yuan 463773000 yuan 105702000 yuan
Increase in current period (undistributed profit) -- -- -- --
Decrease in current period (undistributed profit) 31683900 yuan 68901500 yuan 31824900 yuan 30477900 yuan
Closing balance (undistributed profit) 979733000 yuan 797915000 yuan 644488000 yuan 463773000 yuan
Reason for change (undistributed profit) -- -- -- --
Opening balance (total shareholders' equity) 3212000000 yuan 2996830000 yuan 2996830000 yuan 2563810000 yuan
Increase in current period (total shareholders' equity) 130601000 yuan 23608200 yuan 24234200 yuan 36023000 yuan
Decrease in current period (total shareholders' equity) 157398000 yuan 201427000 yuan 3247500 yuan 2208050 yuan
Closing balance (total shareholders' equity) 3398710000 yuan 3212000000 yuan 3191080000 yuan 2996830000 yuan
Date of publication 2019-08-28 2019-02-28 2018-08-15 2018-03-09
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