Paineng Technology

- six hundred and eighty-eight thousand and sixty-three


-    -

Yesterday's closing: - Opening today: - Maximum price: - minimum price: -
Market value: - RMB 100 million circulation: - deal: - Hand to hand: -
Historical data:   two thousand and twenty-four    two thousand and twenty-three    two thousand and twenty-two    two thousand and twenty-one    two thousand and twenty    two thousand and nineteen    two thousand and eighteen    two thousand and seventeen    two thousand and sixteen    two thousand and fifteen    two thousand and fourteen  
Balance Sheet of Paineng Technology (688063)
Unit: 10000 yuan
Report date 2024-06-30 2024-03-31 2023-12-31 2023-09-30 2023-06-30
current assets
Monetary capital 464,695.00 489,000.22 428,650.36 434,095.14 592,053.22
Trading financial assets 164,980.91 148,415.64 206,319.11 220,566.02 159,032.72
Derivative financial assets -- -- -- -- --
Notes and accounts receivable 99,460.45 111,868.05 131,781.30 159,218.01 185,092.28
Notes receivable three hundred and seventy-seven point five four three hundred and sixty-three point five one six hundred and eighty point two five six hundred and seventy-nine point zero two seventy-nine point seven two
Accounts receivable 99,082.91 111,504.54 131,101.05 158,538.99 185,012.56
Receivables financing -- -- fifty-seven -- forty-four
Prepayments 1,848.89 2,011.79 1,017.78 1,638.11 1,744.19
Other receivables (total) nine hundred and sixty-nine point six seven 1,295.64 1,260.55 1,441.96 1,492.15
Interest receivable -- -- -- -- --
Dividends receivable -- -- -- -- --
Other receivables nine hundred and sixty-nine point six seven -- 1,260.55 -- 1,492.15
Redemptory financial assets for sale -- -- -- -- --
stock 68,467.54 70,218.15 70,689.73 84,571.45 100,105.68
Assets classified as held for sale -- -- -- -- --
Non current assets due within one year -- -- -- -- --
Deferred expenses -- -- -- -- --
Profit and loss of current assets to be disposed -- -- -- -- --
Other current assets 23,084.19 23,829.40 25,153.35 17,488.98 14,180.14
Total current assets 823,656.01 846,802.80 865,062.36 919,248.09 1,053,942.28
Non current assets
Loans and advances -- -- -- -- --
Available for sale financial assets -- -- -- -- --
Held to maturity investment -- -- -- -- --
long-term receivables -- -- -- -- --
Long term equity investment -- -- -- -- --
Investment real estate -- -- -- -- --
Construction in progress (total) 59,341.62 88,065.40 93,496.90 58,200.86 45,002.90
Construction in progress 59,341.62 -- 93,496.90 -- 45,002.90
Engineering materials -- -- -- -- --
Fixed assets and disposal (total) 192,612.99 165,758.84 163,155.02 162,976.85 123,921.50
net fixed assets 192,612.99 -- 163,155.02 -- 123,921.50
Disposal of fixed assets -- -- -- -- --
Productive biological assets -- -- -- -- --
Public welfare biological assets -- -- -- -- --
Oil and gas assets -- -- -- -- --
Use right assets 41,353.43 42,088.80 42,924.70 43,680.13 44,742.36
intangible assets 15,274.01 15,445.83 15,644.25 14,930.95 14,119.97
Development expenditure -- -- -- -- --
goodwill -- -- -- -- --
Long term deferred expenses 17,231.29 17,000.34 18,390.00 13,500.60 13,184.93
deferred tax assets 11,112.62 10,444.39 8,177.59 12,260.84 12,334.07
Other non current assets 6,078.35 5,966.91 2,978.06 21,351.50 46,269.91
Total non-current assets 346,260.23 348,026.44 348,022.45 329,877.62 299,575.65
Total Assets 1,169,916.25 1,194,829.24 1,213,084.81 1,249,125.71 1,353,517.93
current liabilities
Short term borrowings five hundred point three eight five hundred point four two -- -- 21,428.23
Trading financial liabilities -- -- -- -- --
Notes payable and accounts payable 112,482.78 110,225.42 123,004.93 140,876.23 178,125.46
Notes payable 16,830.27 12,150.31 21,558.00 38,398.70 94,854.78
Accounts payable 95,652.50 98,075.11 101,446.93 102,477.53 83,270.68
Advance receipts -- -- -- -- --
Handling charges and commissions payable -- -- -- -- --
Payroll payable 14,613.54 18,846.82 19,690.37 22,808.44 23,145.72
Taxes payable 1,432.63 four hundred and fifty point seven two 1,274.09 5,246.75 6,730.14
Other payables (total) two hundred and eighty-seven point one eight three hundred and twenty-eight point seven zero four hundred and two point six six four hundred and three point four six 38,481.55
Interest payable -- -- -- -- --
Dividends payable -- -- -- -- 38,286.54
Other payables two hundred and eighty-seven point one eight -- four hundred and two point six six -- one hundred and ninety-five point zero one
Accrued expenses -- -- -- -- --
Deferred income within one year -- -- -- -- --
short-term bonds payable -- -- -- -- --
Non current liabilities due within one year 7,289.33 7,434.63 7,646.65 three hundred and sixty-two point four seven nine hundred and sixty-three point eight zero
Other current liabilities sixty-six point seven nine fifty point seven six twenty-eight point three zero three hundred and fifty-seven point zero three thirty point two two
Total Current Liabilities 143,761.73 144,714.40 160,288.69 173,827.06 273,876.83
Non current liabilities
Long term borrowings -- -- -- -- --
Bonds payable -- -- -- -- --
Lease liabilities 43,199.81 42,698.26 42,260.73 49,415.79 48,820.10
Long term payroll payable -- -- -- -- --
Long term payables (total) 41,121.10 40,924.97 40,730.39 40,537.50 40,344.76
Long term payables 41,121.10 -- 40,730.39 -- 40,344.76
Special payables -- -- -- -- --
Estimated non current liabilities -- -- -- -- --
Deferred Tax Liability -- -- -- nine hundred and seventy-three point five five nine hundred and ten point two five
Long term deferred income 16,430.63 16,608.50 16,776.43 16,936.48 16,812.45
Other non current liabilities -- -- -- -- --
Total Non-current Liabilities 100,751.55 100,231.73 99,767.55 107,863.32 106,887.56
Total liabilities 244,513.27 244,946.13 260,056.24 281,690.38 380,764.39
Owner's equity
Paid in capital (or share capital) 24,535.92 17,562.63 17,562.63 17,562.63 17,562.63
Capital reserve 746,931.98 753,259.48 752,247.13 748,760.55 745,686.88
Less: treasury stock 22,550.13 13,971.71 9,488.48 4,538.66 --
Other comprehensive income two hundred and eleven point eight five two hundred and fourteen point seven five two hundred and sixty-eight point nine nine -22.19 --
Special reserve -- -- -- -- --
Surplus reserve 14,020.76 14,020.76 14,020.76 9,749.88 9,749.88
General risk reserve -- -- -- -- --
Undistributed profits 161,590.14 178,133.07 177,733.03 195,923.12 199,754.15
Total shareholders' equity attributable to the parent company 924,740.52 949,218.98 952,344.06 967,435.33 972,753.54
Minority shareholders' equity six hundred and sixty-two point four six six hundred and sixty-four point one three six hundred and eighty-four point five one -- --
Total owners' equity (or shareholders' equity) 925,402.97 949,883.11 953,028.57 967,435.33 972,753.54
Total liabilities and owners' equity (or shareholders' equity) 1,169,916.25 1,194,829.24 1,213,084.81 1,249,125.71 1,353,517.93
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