Paineng Technology

- six hundred and eighty-eight thousand and sixty-three


-    -

Yesterday's closing: - Opening today: - Maximum price: - minimum price: -
Market value: - RMB 100 million circulation: - deal: - Hand to hand: -
Paineng Science and Technology (688063) project: fund shareholding
closing date
Fund name
Fund code
Number of positions (shares)
Proportion in outstanding shares (%)
Market value of shareholding (yuan)
Proportion in net worth (%)
zero point zero zero seven eight
seven hundred and eighty-seven thousand and eight
closing date
Fund name
Fund code
Number of positions (shares)
Proportion in outstanding shares (%)
Market value of shareholding (yuan)
Proportion in net worth (%)
four point seven four six one
four hundred and sixty-two million four hundred and nineteen thousand
two point six one four
two hundred and fifty-four million six hundred and eighty-five thousand
zero point seven nine seven eight
seventy-seven million seven hundred and thirty-five thousand and four hundred
zero point five eight four eight
fifty-six million nine hundred and seventy-six thousand
zero point three three two four
thirty-two million three hundred and eighty-four thousand and five hundred
zero point two nine eight three
twenty-nine million sixty-five thousand and seven hundred
zero point two nine eight three
twenty-nine million sixty-five thousand and seven hundred
zero point two seven nine four
twenty-seven million two hundred and twenty thousand and four hundred
zero point two seven three nine
twenty-six million six hundred and eighty-four thousand and seven hundred
zero point two one four
twenty million eight hundred and forty-nine thousand and five hundred
zero point one nine three four
eighteen million eight hundred and forty-five thousand and eight hundred
zero point one four five six
fourteen million one hundred and eighty-one thousand and three hundred
zero point one four three two
thirteen million nine hundred and fifty-three thousand
zero point one one six four
eleven million three hundred and forty thousand and four hundred
zero point one one six four
eleven million three hundred and forty thousand and four hundred
zero point zero nine five nine
nine million three hundred and thirty-nine thousand seven hundred and ninety
zero point zero eight nine
eight million six hundred and sixty-nine thousand and fifty
zero point zero eight six six
eight million four hundred and thirty-six thousand nine hundred and ten
zero point zero eight six six
eight million four hundred and thirty-six thousand nine hundred and ten
zero point zero eight three one
eight million ninety-three thousand and sixty
zero point zero eight two seven
eight million fifty-five thousand five hundred and seventy
zero point zero eight one seven
seven million nine hundred and fifty-nine thousand four hundred and seventy
zero point zero seven six one
seven million four hundred and twelve thousand two hundred and seventy
zero point zero seven six one
seven million four hundred and twelve thousand two hundred and seventy
zero point zero seven zero four
six million eight hundred and sixty-two thousand six hundred and forty
zero point zero six one five
five million nine hundred and ninety-one thousand and fifty
zero point zero five five four
five million three hundred and ninety-four thousand two hundred and fifty
zero point zero four five six
four million four hundred and forty-one thousand and ten
zero point zero four three nine
four million two hundred and seventy-three thousand one hundred and ninety
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