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Ordinary people's wealth battle

The editor said:
"The Wealth Battle of Ordinary People" is not only the selection and essence of the "Ten Million High Praise" paid financing column, but also the accumulated work of the author's more than ten years of financial exploration. It also adds the author's new experience, thinking and views. The work continues the sharp style of the author. The writing is frank, funny and sharp. The story tells the past frankly, and the wealth thinking grows in the endless reading pleasure. The content of the book comes from every aspect of life related to money - life, work, accumulation, financial management... It not only shares how to find a suitable financial management method and how to reduce financial risk, but also boldly confesses the foolishness, pitfalls and losses he has committed on his financial management, taking you to avoid the financial trap perfectly. There are no shortcuts to greed and rapid wealth, but only down-to-earth and steady wealth appreciation.
Self order

It took me a long time to gradually understand the tangled relationship between a person's self growth and material wealth.
Many years ago, I came to Beijing to study and work. Like many people, I started from scratch in a strange city and accumulated life experience and growth experience from scratch.
During this process, I encountered many difficulties, and later found that most of them were related to money.
I also experienced many twists and turns, and later found that most of them were related to the money consciousness in my mind.
Later, I realized that in the adult world, there must be a strong heart and learning motivation, but a solid material foundation is also essential. In particular, the last point will affect the choice and destiny of many ordinary people at some time.
Yes, fate.
Not everyone can understand this from the beginning, as most ordinary people lack money education in their growth. Just like when I was a teenager, my parents seldom talked openly about money. They preferred me to study hard and find a good job in the future. So before going to college, they often heard such a warning: "You don't need to think about anything, just study hard."
Once they graduated from college, their mantra immediately became "You don't need to think about anything, make more money quickly".
In this way, just four years later, many people's lives went from one extreme to the other, and many people also went through many detours, such as extravagance, early consumption and even excessive borrowing.
Don't think that relying on others can change this problem. Of course, experts can give us advice and professionals can help us, but those are all external forces. In terms of material wealth accumulation and self awareness, external forces are obviously not enough.
Knowing this, I began to revise my attitude towards money and began to record them.
Since 2005, I have begun to record my thoughts, attempts and gains on the road of wealth, including some stupid detours and falling experiences that seem to have gone through now, and some of them have also been synchronized to social media. From the earliest traditional media to BBS (forum), blog and microblog.
These records are the origin of the series of articles "Everyone loves money". They have brought me millions of hits in the blog era, millions of followers in the microblog era, and millions of subscriptions in the paid reading era.
Through these years of constant attempts and thinking, I have lived the life I wanted and provided better material conditions for my family.
I am no longer the young man who was ashamed to talk about money at the beginning, because the process of chasing wealth is also a process of constantly fighting against human weakness, constantly correcting and improving it.
This is the way of wealth for ordinary people. They should not only have brains, but also try. What's more, they should learn to rely on time and go step by step to tomorrow.
In 2019, the first installment of the series of articles "Everyone loves money", "Stay away from confusion, start from learning how to make money", was published. At that time, many people wondered: I am not a professional, how could I write such a book?
Because in the process of chasing wealth, I experienced too many twists and turns, took too many detours, and paid too much tuition. But as an ordinary person, it is difficult to hear the right answer and help.
A lot of professionals are talking about mysterious and mysterious terms, not to mention: if you have 1 million yuan, what should you do?
But as ordinary people, what we need to solve is not how to stand on the top of the mountain, but how to climb up from the foot of the mountain, even halfway up the mountain.
To my surprise, it has become my most popular book with the highest sales volume.
If the accumulation of material wealth is like a battle for ordinary people, the battle must have bullets (investment of principal), tactics (short-term plan) and strategy (long-term strategy).
From my own experience over the years, if I want to gain something in the matter of material wealth accumulation, one of the three is indispensable. But in reality, many people only have 1 and 2 instead of 3; There are only 2 and 3, and there is no 1 at all.
So, now we have the book "Ordinary People's Wealth Battle".
It is more specific and more in-depth than the previous book, and still comes from every aspect of life related to money - life, work, accumulation, financial management... There is no shortcut to greed and rapid wealth, but only down-to-earth, steady wealth appreciation.
I always felt that most people could do what I was an ordinary person.
As for the twists and turns, ups and downs, don't be afraid. Compared with the real risks of life, this is really nothing.
This is the battle of wealth belonging to every ordinary person.

Title: Ordinary People's Wealth Battle

Author: Zeng Pengyu

Status: Closed

Popularity: 171000

Classification: Personal finance