China Telecom said that the average broadband speed reached 17.5M, ranking the second in the world

Sina Science and Technology News On the morning of September 22, 2015, China International Information and Communication Exhibition was held in Beijing from September 22 to 25. according to China Telecom According to the relevant person in charge, as of the end of August, the average access speed of broadband subscribers in China was 17.5Mbps, which was the second highest in the world (only second to the average speed of South Korea).

In addition, the relevant person in charge of China Telecom also pointed out that in order to actively respond to the call of the country to "speed up and reduce fees", China Telecom is expected to basically achieve "all-optical network" coverage nationwide by the end of 2016.

At this exhibition, China Telecom created exhibition areas such as "Broadband China", "Industrial Internet", "Consumer Internet", and "International Strategy".

In terms of broadband construction in China, data shows that up to now, China Telecom's optical network coverage in Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Sichuan and other provinces and cities has reached more than 90%; It has provided 100M access services for more than 14 million home users.

In terms of 4G network, in August this year, China Telecom released a faster and more stable "Tianyi 4G+" network. At present, the peak downlink rate of the "Tianyi 4G+" network can reach 300Mbps, and the peak uplink rate can reach 50Mbps.

In terms of Internet+, on May 13 this year, China Telecom released the White Paper of China Telecom's "Internet+" Action, which clarifies China Telecom's understanding, understanding, role and value of "Internet+", as well as China Telecom's strategy and layout for "Internet+"; The practice and prospect are described around agriculture, industry, service industry and enterprises; Ten key projects of "Internet+" in 2015 were proposed. In addition, China Telecom proposed that it would continue to improve its infrastructure capabilities such as ubiquitous network and cloud computing, key business capabilities such as positioning, security, video, payment, big data, and service support capabilities such as operation and maintenance, integration, so as to provide more solid capability support for the implementation of the "Internet+" action plan. At this exhibition, China Telecom showed the application results of "Internet+" in modern agriculture, industrial manufacturing, emerging service industries and enterprise operations. (Morning Glory)

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