2015 China International Information and Communication Exhibition will focus on intelligent interconnection

10:58, September 9, 2015    Xinhua    Collect this article      

Xinhua Beijing, September 8 (Reporter Zhao Xiaohui) "2015 China International Information and Communication Exhibition" sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade will be held at the China International Exhibition Center in Beijing from September 22 to 25. The new generation of information technology, broadband China, from 4G innovation to 5G exploration, information security, etc. will be the hot spots of this exhibition.

At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution is emerging, the integration and innovation of information and communication technology is becoming more active, and new technologies and new business formats represented by mobile Internet, Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, etc. are accelerating their development. The integration and innovation of information and communication technology and technologies in various industries has promoted profound changes in the development mode and mode with unprecedented breadth and depth.

In this context, the "2015 China International Information and Communication Exhibition" will focus on displaying China's new products, new technologies, new businesses and new models in the new generation of information technology, broadband network construction, network security and information application, especially the information and communication industry services "Made in China 2025", "Internet+" Serve the achievements of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation".

It is reported that "2015 China International Information and Communication Exhibition", with the theme of "perception unknown, intelligent interconnection", will have an exhibition scale of nearly 45000 square meters, and more than 400 well-known enterprises will participate in the exhibition.

Since its establishment in 1990, China International Information and Communication Exhibition has become an industry event to help enterprises expand in China and the Asia Pacific market. The exhibition has always been guided by national policies, closely following the pulse of industry development, becoming a platform for zero distance insight into industry development and expanding the Asia Pacific market.

This exhibition is organized by China Post and Telecommunications Equipment Group Corporation and China International Exhibition Center Group Corporation, and co organizers include China Communications Enterprise Association China Telecom Group Corporation, China Mobile Communications Group Corporation, China United Network Communications Group Corporation, China Tower Corporation and China Information and Communication Research Institute.

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Article keywords: Internet+ Intelligent interconnection

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