Calling for the shuttle bus service is a sign of lazy politics

The controversy over APP applications for car rental and private car rental has never subsided. Can we find a model that can both supervise APP and achieve market benefit sharing?

The Internet taxi and car use software in China has caused a lot of controversy, and some cities have canceled it. At the beginning of 2015, 10 cities, including Beijing, Jinan and Qingdao, called off the special services of Didi taxi, easy to get taxi, fast taxi and other companies, and positioned the special cars as "black cars". At the end of 2014, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Transport also announced the seizure of several Didi buses and imposed fines.

APP application software subverts an industry, just as e-commerce may subvert the traditional commercial retail industry. Provide point-to-point and various levels of car use services through software. Once all consumers have adapted to this model, traditional taxi companies and car rental companies will become the downstream heavy asset supporting companies of these platform companies. Under the premise that it is very difficult to make a big cake, the entry of a catfish means the redistribution of the cake. Just like drivers who join Internet car rental companies such as Uber or Lyft, they have to hide Uber mobile phones and stickers when going out, so as not to irritate traditional taxi drivers.

In order to protect the interests of traditional companies, and also to maintain the premium of taxi license and taxi qualification certificate, it happened that Uber and other companies had problems in their operations, and some governments attacked Uber and others: in December 2014, South Korean prosecutors accused Uber of violating South Korea's domestic transportation law; The French Ministry of the Interior has decided to disable the Uber private car sharing service Uber Pop from January 1, 2015, because this platform allows drivers without operating qualifications to provide other passengers with a lower fee car sharing service after registering the Uber driver account; In India, because Uber drivers are suspected of sexual assault, the background review process of Uber drivers is questioned and criticized; In Poland, the legitimacy of Uber is also frequently questioned.

But in fact, there is no evidence to prove that taxi hailing software is more unsafe than the current taxi system, and even if there are some problems, they can be solved through more strict supervision. For example, Zhu Pingdou, Vice President of Didi Taxi Company, said that the information between Didi vehicles, drivers and passengers is transparent, and pricing and payment are realized through the information platform and pricing system; Yu Ruizhuo, senior vice president of Yidao Auto, said that the cars used on the platform were those with operation qualifications rented by a formal leasing company, and the drivers were recruited by a labor service company. Yidao Auto conducted qualification review, training and assessment on behalf of the labor service company on this platform.

The author believes that the key is that the current social management system and benefit distribution system are models that adapt to the traditional non intelligent terminal society. If the current model is to be changed, it means that the laws and regulations should be completely changed, and it means that the real-time management model adapted to the Internet terminal should be established. At the same time, a stable exit or even compensation mechanism should be established for companies such as taxis and car rental companies based on the traditional model, even taking into account the number of taxi drivers and their livelihood.

It is unrealistic and unwise to prevent the arrival of the Internet era because of lagging management. In December last year, Uber covered 250 cities in 50 countries. Although it suffered great difficulties, the company was still sought after by investors, with a valuation of more than $40 billion. in China, Baidu Alibaba and Tencent gathered in the field of business car rental relying on Uber, Kuaidi Taxi and Didi Taxi.

The birth of Uber, Kuaidi and Didi has a realistic market demand. Even if the government stops a company, more companies will be born. These companies have solved the shortage of urban public transport by creativity and technology, and met the different consumption needs from taxis to high-grade special cars. It is necessary for the government to change the management of the car rental and special car markets so that all parties can negotiate to obtain their own markets.

At the same time, software companies must give up some of their revenues. On January 13 this year, Uber announced that it would provide local business data to the city government providing services to help the city achieve more efficient and intelligent management. This service started in Boston, USA.

Calling a halt to Didi and Uber is a manifestation of lazy politics, which will reduce the operational efficiency of society. Social management can only adapt to the situation.

   Sandalwood (Famous economic critic)

Article keywords: Special train taxi

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