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Healthy food in the eyes of famous chefs 00:28, October 7, 2012 Forbes China

   At that time, Michele Gaillard was a chef who kept pace with the times, constantly creating new cooking methods and exploring more nutritious and healthy recipes. A diet recipe he wrote has been translated into 12 languages and sold all over the world. This is a great success. Delicacy and beauty can coexist, and the pleasure of taste buds should be consistent with the health of diet.

From left to right, the famous chefs are: Christopher Michalak, Michel Gu é rard, Les Pr é s d'Eug é nie, Thierry Marx, Mandarin Oriental, Paris ], Anne Sophie Pic (Maison Pic in Valence).

If you go to the restaurant of Gu é rard, don't forget to put your medical record in your luggage. " Speaking of his friend, Michel Gu é rard, the star chef of Les Pr é s d'Eug é nie, Paul Bocuse said jokingly. This was in 1975. Paul Bogus thought he could put it in a nutshell. At that time, Michele Gaillard was a chef who kept pace with the times, constantly creating new cooking methods and exploring more nutritious and healthy recipes. A diet recipe he wrote has been translated into 12 languages and sold all over the world. This is a great success. Delicacy and beauty can coexist, and the pleasure of taste buds should be consistent with the health of diet. Now, he is more convinced of this idea. He has published a new book, Slim: the core of healthy diet. In this book, which consists of 140 latest attractive and delicious diet recipes, he introduced the concept of "healthy diet" for the first time. As the pioneer of this new trend, he founded the world's first healthy diet cooking school.

Is culinary art going to start a calorie revolution? Should we also start advocating dietism and overthrow the rule of fat and sweets? For this trend, optimists regard it as a fantasy, while pessimists regard it as a gross disrespect to traditional dietary norms. However, in any case, this trend is destined to become a permanent dietary standard. For those food lovers who suffer from obesity, diabetes and high cholesterol and have to be more abstemious in their diet, this cooking method undoubtedly brings hope to them, and it also attracts those who are obsessed with slim figure or keeping healthy. This cooking method has also been recognized by doctors and scientists: in May this year, Michele Gaillard was invited to attend the European Obesity Seminar held in Lyon (a city of food) and made an opening speech.

The invitation to this seminar is undoubtedly an affirmation of this pioneer of healthy eating. The chef who tried new cooking techniques left the star rated hotel in Paris and went to meet his wife Christine. His wife ran a spa called "Ouyeni Bathing Beach" at that time. "These people who came to the spa to lose weight sat listlessly at the table, eating plates of stewed carrots without appetite. Looking at them, I suddenly had the idea of inventing healthy diet," he recalled. He realized that the reason why these dietotherapy methods were not successful was that they deprived people of the instinctive pleasure of eating. "These dietotherapy methods usually mean dieting, and some delicious dishes should be invented without hurting the body." He was very interested in nutrition, and began to learn what is carbohydrate, what is fat, protein, what is beneficial and harmful fat, and what is indispensable to the human body, What needs to be abandoned... He tried to make something delicious and low in fat. This is undoubtedly a challenge for traditional cuisine. However, how to ensure that the food is not bland and tasteless while pursuing low fat?

Like birds singing instinctively, Michele Gaillard cooked the dishes in his hands. His works combine imagination, elegance and harmony. "In a balanced dish, carbohydrates account for 50%, lipids for 30%, and proteins for 20%. All my creations are based on this proportion." Therefore, he paid special attention to the selection of food materials, mixing of raw materials, cooking methods, cold and hot sauce, and the use of sauce and sour vinegar sauce.

"Why must I use a spoonful of vinegar or four spoonfuls of oil to mix vinegar juice?" he said angrily

With this soup and other foods, he has cooked various dishes that are unique, unexpected and delicious. This soup has also become a core part of a healthy diet. He dares to try all new things... For example, he made grilled shrimp strings and fried lobster, but the sauce he used was... verbena vinegar. This is really a rare delicacy. He improved the traditional food in people's minds and removed the excessive fat in the dishes.

"The history of cooking is made up of memories and habits. If you do not consider everyone's likes and dislikes, you may fail." In his own words, the light stewed assortment he invented feels "as relaxed as a child's smile". The secret of making this dish is to remove the original white dried kidney beans and replace them with vegetables (such as zucchini, carrots, tomatoes...), or even some diced fruits. In this way, the whole dish will be more fresh. The meat should be marinated in thick soup first. Poultry sausage and

Calf hooves containing natural gelatin can become more smooth and soft when cooked together. Delicious food will touch every nerve of you, and there is no worry about getting fat around the waist. Of course, the danger is that people cannot resist the temptation to taste again.

It would be really blasphemous to leave dessert aside. But who would have thought that the traditional almond cream cake would also become a low calorie food? Michele Gaillard abandoned sugar coated almonds, a major killer of weight, and chose coffee or chicory flavored beaten egg whites.

The original materials have been replaced one by one... Who can make more perfect delicious dishes than these star chefs? In recent years, scientists and doctors have summed up a series of knowledge about nutrition and diet, but no one is willing to try new things in the dinner plate except for these famous chefs who have excellent skills and courage.

Some restaurants in hot spring sanatoriums such as Eug é nie les bains, Quiberon, Brides les bains and Vichy have become experimental fields of this new cooking method. Today, this sport is not only limited to hot spring towns, but also widely promoted in large hotels. Alain Passard invented a 100% vegetable recipe, and Pierre Gagnaire, Michel Bras and Yves Camdeborde became the promoters of this recipe.

Each chef has his own unique cooking style. Thierry Marx, the head chef of the Chinese Oriental Hotel, is the pope of "molecular cooking". In his book "Taste Good!" co written with Jean Michel Cohen, a nutrition expert, he also advocates a light and thin taste, which is the secret of longevity.

Doctor Ma r t ine Cot in a t and food critic M a u r i c e Beaudoin evaluate the light dishes of famous chefs.

"Our generation is suffering from excess and fullness. Now, we need to return to essence. This is the development trend of culinary art in the next 50 years," concluded Tieri Marx, He first studied the physical and chemical evolution in the preparation of dishes. He uses the low-temperature cooking method, mixing spices, thick soup, meat jelly and gel without eggs and cream... He cooks vegetables in soda water, uses centrifuges and other new tools to make chocolate mousse, marinates fat goose livers with Jurangsong wine, and uses ginger with green peas... His principle is simple: retain all the nutrients of the ingredients, As close as possible to the true taste of the ingredients.

"I have removed all useless things, such as the salt used to make egg whites. But if we want to remove a certain material, we must clearly understand the history of cooking. If you use 150g butter, 150g butter, 150g fish meat to make fish intestines, then someone must criticize you and question whether you are back to the post World War II material shortage period. Nowadays, we don't need to overeat. Our generation has never experienced poverty. On the contrary, we have suffered from too much wealth and abundance. We need to return to nature. " Anne Sophie Pic also agrees with this view. She is the only Michelin three-star chef. She doesn't want to go against the cooking method left to her by her grandparents: taste first. But she instinctively thought of "health" as a dietary element. "Maybe it's because I'm a woman," she said. "I have a deep desire for pure and clean things. I designed fragrant butter, mixed juice with a little butter, and clear soup mixed with spices, herbs, flowers, and cold soaked solid butter with olive oil. I don't give up the use of fat, but use very little." Therefore, She improved the champagne caviar bass invented by her father. "When he made this dish, he used cream and flour to thicken it and poured the thick juice on the fish. I reduced the amount of cream and replaced it with milk." The taste was still delicious, but it was more light.

Finally, I still have to talk about dessert, which is despised by dieters. People can't help asking, can there be dessert in a healthy diet? Christophe Michalak, a young and creative chef, is not ready to abandon it. On the contrary, in order to "give people pleasure and strong sensory stimulation", he made great efforts on dessert. "Dessert should not only be delicious, but also full of temptation. The ingredients I choose are original, healthy, natural and pure ingredients, such as brown sugar, brown sugar, brown granulated sugar, agave syrup and maple syrup... I have found a good balance between dough, cream, fructose and shortening. Cool fruits are also added to the dessert. I try to make it light, but I object to sugar free desserts. We need sweet things too much. "

What do nutrition experts say? For Dr. Jean Michel Cohen, this is the trend of the times, whether in the fast food industry or in the daily catering industry. Jean Marie Bourre was more cautious. She believes that diet should not only make people happy, but also bring nutrition to the body. "All food is worth and needs to be respected. It is wrong to persist in the idea of light diet. The intake of Omega-3 in France is only half of the normal value." On this issue, Professor Arnaud Basdevint reviewed Michel Gu é rard's recipe at the request of the French Ministry of Health. He very much recognized this creative recipe and believed that this was the way forward for French food.

(Written by Maurice Beaudoin Martine Betti-Cusso)

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