Media Weekly: Apple Launches the Open Source SD3-M Model of APPLE INTELLIGENCE STABILITY AI

Category: Industry Organization: Guosheng Securities Co., Ltd researcher: Gu Sheng/Liu Shuhan Date: June 16, 2024

Market overview: This week (6.11-6.14), CITIC's primary media sector rose 2.39%. The plate rose this week under the catalysis of the Kete estimation theme. In the long run, the logic of accelerating the development of the AI industry continues to strengthen, and the ability of the domestic large model also further enhances the market's confidence in the domestic AI application, thus continuously improving the market's confidence in the AI application industry. AI is a relatively clear growth investment opportunity, and the media sector will also fully benefit. In addition, we are firmly optimistic about the investment opportunities of state-owned enterprises this year. In the context of the SASAC's clear assessment of the market value of state-owned enterprises, the appeal of state-owned media enterprises has significantly improved, and some state-owned enterprises have obvious capital advantages. We believe that we should pay attention to the investment opportunities of state-owned enterprises this year. At present, institutional positions in the sector are still in a low allocation state. The development trend of AI industry is clear and good. We continue to be optimistic about investment opportunities in the media sector this year.

    Plate views and recommended targets: 1) AI: Kunlun Wanwei, Tom Cat, Wanxing Technology, Shengtian Network, Chinese Online, Yidiantianxia, Focus Technology, Shanghai Film, Supersent Communication, etc; 2) Game: It is suggested to focus on the certainty of China Taiyue, Kaiying Network, Giant Network, etc; 3) State owned enterprises: Ciwen Media, Wanxin Media, Chinese Media, Southern Media, Kevin Education, DASUN Culture, etc; 4) Film and television theaters: Bona Film, Wanda Film, Light Media, Huace Film, etc; 5) Education: university education, action education, Huatu Shanding, etc; 6) Hong Kong shares: platform enterprises that focus on cost reduction and efficiency improvement to promote loss narrowing [Fast Hands], the leader of the Chaoplay blind box [Bubble Mart] related to the progress of consumer recovery, the upcoming industry explosion [Fubo Group], the K12 teaching and training leader with fast performance recovery [New Oriental], and the self-developed mathematical model is expected to open the teaching and training leader of AI+space [Good Future].

    [Apple launched Apple Intelligence, reshaping Siri with AI] At WWDC24, Apple announced the launch of Apple Intelligence, reshaping and upgrading all products with AI. AppleIntelligence can enable iPhone, iPad and Mac to understand and generate language and images, and can also interact across multiple apps, thus simplifying the operation process. Its highlight lies in understanding the user's personal situation. With the blessing of Apple Intelligence, Siri has become more natural, more adaptable to the context and users, and more integrated with the system. In addition, Apple's private cloud computing technology can also protect users' privacy and security.

    [Stability AI open source SD3-M model, low hardware demand, applicable to multiple platforms] On the evening of June 12, the well-known big model platform Stability AI announced that the weight of its text to image model, StableDiffusion 3 Medium (SD3-M for short), was officially opened to the public. SD3-M model has up to 2 billion parameters, and its average time to generate pictures is about 2-10 seconds. This efficient reasoning speed is leading among similar models. In addition, SD3-M has relatively low demand for hardware, which makes it a general model applicable to multiple platforms such as PC, mobile phone and tablet.

    Stability AI has carried out in-depth cooperation with hardware giants such as Nvidia and AMD. SD3-M has been specially optimized for RTXGPU, TensorRT, the latest CPU and MI-300X.

    [The first Sora level video generation model with super long duration, high performance price ratio and end side availability in China, "YiSu of the Horizon", was released] The world model company, "Excellent Technology", together with the Department of Automation of Tsinghua University, officially released their latest scientific research achievement, the Sora level video generation model, "YiSu of the Horizon". One of the notable features of this model is its 16 second super long duration. The model can also be further extended to more than 1 minute of video generation, fully meeting the needs of long video production.

    "YiSu, a drop in the horizon" has the expressive advantage, which can generate more vivid video content, bring more shocking visual effects to users, and better simulate real scenes, making the generated video more natural and smooth. The model performs well in terms of cost performance, lower cost, faster speed, and supports end side use.

    Risk tip: policy supervision risk, competition intensifies risk, and macro environment uncertainty risk.