Low altitude economy: EVTOL takeoff and landing site standard was officially released, and Guangdong Province launched a complete development plan for low altitude economy

Category: Industry Organization: Zheshang Securities Co., Ltd researcher: Qiu Shiliang/Wang Huajun/Sun Xupeng/Chen Chen Date: May 23, 2024

Key investment points

    The 5th China Airport Development Conference was successfully held, and the first eVTOL takeoff and landing site standard was officially released

    On May 22, China Civil Airport Association issued the group standard of Technical Requirements for Electric Vertical Take off and Landing Aircraft (eVTOL) take-off and landing site at the 5th China Airport Development Conference. The standard was officially launched by Guangdong UAV Industry Association, Wuhan Haiyi Technology Co., Ltd., Yihang Intelligent Equipment (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., CITIC Ocean Helicopter Co., Ltd. and China Southern Airlines General Aviation Co., Ltd. at the end of 2023. It is the first technical specification for the takeoff and landing site of electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft in China.

    The standard clearly explains the multi-dimensional takeoff and landing site, laying the foundation for large-scale operation of low altitude flight. The Technical Requirements for Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft (eVTOL) Takeoff and Landing Site is divided into 11 chapters, covering the physical characteristics, obstacle restrictions, site selection, structural design Many technical parameters such as special facilities and equipment are clearly explained. In the future, tens of millions of "air taxis" will operate safely and efficiently, and they need to be guaranteed by the takeoff and landing area and other infrastructure. Relevant standards can guide the standardization and large-scale construction of low altitude flight infrastructure.

    Guangdong issued an action plan to promote the high-quality development of low altitude economy, which described the specific layout of multiple fields. On May 22, Guangdong released the Action Plan of Guangdong Province to Promote the High Quality Development of Low altitude Economy (2024-2026). The plan proposes that by 2026, promote the formation of a development pattern of low altitude manufacturing and service integration, application and industry mutual promotion, and create a world leading low altitude economic industrial highland, with the low altitude economic scale exceeding 300 billion yuan. It is also clear in the plan that low altitude infrastructure should be arranged in advance appropriately to support the opening of low altitude passenger routes within and between cities in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and other qualified cities; Encourage the use of helicopters, eVTOL and other low altitude aircraft to explore and expand new low altitude businesses such as air commuting, business travel, air ferry, interline connections, cross-border flights; Explore and open up low altitude routes between Guangdong and Hainan.

    As a pioneer of low altitude economy, Guangdong's complete plan further promotes the pilot demonstration role. The Action Plan of Guangdong Province for Promoting the High Quality Development of Low altitude Economy (2024-2026) clearly strengthens the coordinated management of the three parties' work of "military, civilian" in low altitude airspace, supports Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities to take the first step, and strengthens the research on the operation mode of urban air traffic management organizations, Improve management measures. Strive for pilot demonstration of low altitude economy, and carry out pilot demonstration of urban air traffic, low altitude logistics, and whole space unmanned system in areas where conditions permit, so as to meet the needs of safe and efficient management of urban low altitude airspace. Timely summarize the pilot demonstration experience in relevant regions, and explore the promotion of reform and innovation achievements in airspace management, operation management, flight support, etc. to the whole region. As a pioneer of low altitude economy, Guangdong announced a complete development plan to further demonstrate the certainty of low altitude economic development.

    Low altitude economy has made major breakthroughs in policy, industry and other aspects. The industry is in the stage of accelerating its implementation, and the trillion market is expected to gradually arrive. We are optimistic about low altitude manufacturing, low altitude service and low altitude operation.

    Highlight: Zhongzhi Shares, Weihai Guangtai;

    Recommended: Hongdu Aviation, China UAV, Aerospace Rainbow and CTI; Attention: Laisi Information, CITIC Haizhi, Wanfeng Aowei, Zongheng Shares, Yihang Intelligent, AVIC High Tech, Western Superconductor, Zongshen Power, Aerospace Electronics, Guanglian Aviation, Guangwei Composite, Hite High tech, Sichuan Jiuzhou, Four Innovation Electronics, AVIC Science and Engineering

    Risk warning

    1. The development of low altitude economic aircraft is not as expected; 2. The follow-up policy of low altitude economy was not as expected.