Weekly report of new chemical materials industry: Shandong is exempt from the highway tolls for hydrogen energy vehicles; The export volume of waste plastics from EU, UK and Australia to Asia hit a new high

Category: Industry Organization: Huachuang Securities Co., Ltd researcher: Yang Hui/Zheng Yi/Wang Xianli/Hou Xingyu/Wu Yu Date: March 11, 2024

According to our database tracking, argon (+28.95%), oxygen (+4.58%) and 6F (+3.94%) are the varieties whose prices have increased significantly this week; Threonine (- 2.48%), carbon fiber domestic small tow (- 0.62%), NESTE SME (- 0.18%) were the varieties with large decline. Argon: the price of argon this week is 1225 yuan/ton,+28.95% month on month. In terms of supply, the overall starting load has increased, the devices for shutdown and maintenance have been restarted, and the supply of liquid argon in the market has increased. However, the starting load of manufacturers in some regions remains low, the liquid level is not high, and the products are shipped at a high price. In terms of demand, the downstream market was gradually recovering after the festival, but the progress of resumption of production was not as expected. The upstream manufacturers reported that the downstream procurement situation was general, the stainless steel industry and its downstream procurement speed slowed down, the inventory continued to increase, the market was not good, the demand for liquid argon was limited, the photovoltaic industry did not collect goods in a centralized manner within the week, and the demand for liquid argon was stable, However, the demand for liquid argon in the processing and manufacturing industry has increased.

    Hydrogen energy: Shandong is exempted from high-speed tolls for hydrogen energy vehicles, and Inner Mongolia has opened up hydrogen production in non chemical parks. Shandong is exempted from high speed tolls for hydrogen energy vehicles, and the economy of hydrogen vehicles has been substantially improved. According to the estimation of Orange Club Research Institute, taking the 49 ton heavy truck as an example, assuming the operating mileage of the whole life cycle is 1 million kilometers, the current price of the 49 ton fuel cell heavy truck is about 1.1 million yuan. Based on the 9kg/100km hydrogen consumption and the hydrogen price of 30 yuan/kg in Shandong, the cost of hydrogen consumption in the whole life cycle is about 2.7 million yuan; The high-speed toll standard for trucks over 20 tons in Shandong Province is 2.138 yuan/km. If the vehicles run 600 kilometers a day and 350 days a year, the high-speed toll for the whole life cycle is about 1.71 million yuan, which can make a significant contribution to the reduction of TCO costs; Inner Mongolia has liberalized hydrogen production in non chemical industrial parks. We believe that this policy is expected to promote the operation of distributed photovoltaic/decentralized wind power hydrogen production and hydrogenation integrated station projects. Such projects are expected to merge the advantages of green power+omit the cost of hydrogen transportation, and focus on the transformational impact of the economy of such projects on hydrogen transportation. Relevant targets: Meijin Energy, Guiyan Platinum, Zhongji Anruike, etc.

    The Na Dian race track has received hundreds of millions of yuan of financing, and the terminals of related projects are mainly concentrated in energy storage, two wheeled vehicles and other fields.

    According to the statistics of Gaogong Lithium Power, as of this week, six sodium power related enterprises have obtained financing in 2024. In terms of investment direction, in terms of cathode materials, the polyanion line in 2024 will be more promising, and many enterprises are building 10000 ton mass production lines. In terms of negative electrode materials, the hard carbon negative electrode technology route, which is regarded as the mainstream, has become the core bottleneck restricting the industrialization of sodium electricity due to problems such as the consistency of raw material batches and high costs.

    In terms of application scenarios, the products of enterprises that have obtained investment and financing are mainly used in energy storage, two wheeled vehicles, low-speed motor vehicles and other fields. According to the plans of various enterprises, the production line construction and large-scale production of tens of thousands of tons of hard carbon anode will be realized in 2024, which is expected to promote the turning point of sodium battery industrialization.

    Recycling industry: In 2023, the export volume of waste plastics from EU, UK and Australia to Asia will reach a new high. According to the trade data collected by the Plastic Waste Trade Watch, in 2023, the export volume of waste plastics to countries outside the OECD hit a record high. The export of waste plastics from EU to Asia increased by 45% compared with 2022. The total export volume of EU to non OECD countries will increase from 517000 tons in 2022 to 750000 tons in 2023. EU exports to all countries will increase from 1.04 million tons in 2022 to 1.32 million tons in 2023, of which 57% will be exported to non OECD countries. The organization revealed that this is the highest level of waste plastics exports to Asia since China implemented the "national sword" in 2018. Turkey is still the largest destination of waste plastics in the EU, although the export volume will decrease from 346000 tons in 2022 to 316000 tons in 2023. The largest non OECD destination is Malaysia, whose import volume will increase to 283000 tons in 2023. Vietnam's import volume will increase from 100000 tons in 2022 to 148000 tons in 2023. Australia's export of waste plastics to non OECD countries will increase by 13% to 64000 tons in 2022. The export volume of waste plastics in the United States decreased slightly compared with 2022. In 2023, the United States exported 268000 tons to non OECD countries, compared with 275000 tons in 2022.

    Synthetic biology: the market scale of microbial fertilizer is expected to exceed 5 billion dollars, and engineering nitrogen fixing microorganisms are the focus of industrialization. In recent years, the development of synthetic biological technology has promoted the research of biological fertilizers and the improvement of soil conditions. Among them, the industrialization of biological nitrogen fixation mainly focuses on the preparation of engineering nitrogen fixing bacteria, and symbiotic nodulation of nitrogen fixing microorganisms and rhizosphere joint nitrogen fixation have been applied to agricultural production. With the increasing awareness of environmental protection and health, relevant experts predict that the market demand for microbial fertilizers will keep growing, and this industry will become one of the most promising "sunrise industries" in the 21st century. Mordor Intelligence, an international market research and consulting company, predicts that the market size of microbial fertilizers will reach 5.23 billion dollars in 2029, with a compound annual growth rate of 9.85%. At present, domestic microbial nitrogen fixation companies include Lihao Biology, Green Nitrogen Biology, Hanhe Biology, Shandong Tuopu Biology and other enterprises.

    Risk warning: the implementation of relevant policies is less than expected, the relevant technology iteration is less than expected, and the price of raw materials fluctuates significantly.