Analysis of the investment value of Huaxia CSI dividend quality ETF: giving consideration to both high quality and high dividend strategies

Investment tips for the current period:

    Huaxia CSI Bonus Quality ETF (fund code: 159758) is an ETF product of Huaxia Fund, which was established on December 20, 2021. The current fund manager is Mr. Zhang Hongtao. The product management fee is 0.50%, and the custody fee is 0.10%.

    Through passive indexation investment management, the fund aims to closely track the underlying index, pursue the minimization of tracking deviation and tracking error, and strive to ensure that the absolute value of the daily average tracking deviation does not exceed 0.2% and the annual tracking error does not exceed 2%.

    The release of the new National Ninth Article encourages the dividend component to further develop the capital market. Under the guidance of the new "National Ninth Article", dividends will become an important indicator for assessing and evaluating the quality of corporate profits in the future, and will also become one of the important keys to promote the optimization of corporate governance and the legalization of the capital market. In such an environment, dividend investment will also become a key path for investors to make long-term investment and value investment, and high dividends are becoming a trend of thought; Since this year, the performance of dividend index has been outstanding, and the exposure of active equity style shows that dividend strategy has been widely concerned by institutions and other large range investors; The quality factor recovers, bonus+quality positioning Low crowded track:

    CSI dividend quality index: CSI dividend quality index selects 50 securities of listed companies with continuous cash dividends, high dividend payout rate and high profitability as index samples to reflect the overall performance of securities of listed companies with high dividend expectation and strong profitability; Since its establishment, the industry characteristics of the CSI dividend quality index have been relatively stable. The top two heavy positions in the industry have long been medicine, biology and food and beverage. In addition, the index will also have some industry rotation adjustments in each year; From the characteristics of constituent stocks, the ROE of dividend quality constituent stocks is generally distributed between 10% and 30%, and the operating cash flow accounts for a higher proportion of total income as a whole, and the income quality is significantly stronger; The medium and long term earnings performance was outstanding, the annualized performance exceeded the CSI 300 and partial stock mixed index for a long time, and the rebound strength of the dividend quality index in recent March was significantly higher than that of the CSI dividend index in the same period.

    Fund Manager: Huaxia Fund Management Co., Ltd., established on April 9, 1998, is one of the earliest public fund managers in China. The company is positioned as a comprehensive and versatile asset management company, covering multiple asset categories, industries and regions, and has built a diversified asset management platform with public funds and institutional business as the core, covering three subsidiaries of Huaxia Fund (Hong Kong), Huaxia Capital and Huaxia Fortune. It manages 923 products and portfolios, including 353 public funds, There are 173 enterprise annuity portfolios and 76 occupational annuity portfolios, which is one of the fund companies with the largest number of management products and portfolios. At present, Huaxia Fund is the manager with the highest total scale of non currency ETFs and the largest number of ETF products under its management among all managers, managing 89 ETF funds with a total scale of 487.563 billion yuan.

    Risk disclosure and statement: The research and analysis of fund products and indexes in this report are based on historical public information, which may cause certain analysis deviation due to changes in sample stocks of the index; In addition, the historical performance and performance of fund managers do not represent the future; The future performance of the index is affected by multiple factors such as the macro environment, market volatility, style conversion, etc., and there is a certain volatility risk; This report does not involve the evaluation of securities investment funds, the recommendation of fund products, or the recommendation of any index sample stocks. Please read the risk tips and statements of the report in detail.