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The following are popular funds

fund manager Ma Hongjuan Age Unknown education doctor
First appointment December 7, 2013 Working time 10 years and 5 months Seniority ranking 1628/6026
Company Baijia Fund Job hopping times two vocational qualifications
Fund management Baijia Baichuan held pure bond A for 30 days    

Ms. Ma Hongjuan: Master and Doctor of Finance, Jinan University, with more than years of experience in securities industry. He used to be the researcher and fund manager of Golden Eagle Fund, the deputy general manager and fund manager of the fixed income department of Zhongke Wotu Fund, and now he is a member of the company's fixed income investment decision-making committee. Now it is proposed to be Baijia Baichuan 30 day holding period pure bond securities investment fund …… Details>>

Historical performance

Product name Company Management type Duration Return on tenure Homogeneous average Industry ranking operation
Baijia Baichuan held pure bond A for 30 days Baijia Fund Pure bond 2024/01/23 - present -0.32% 0.8% 1870/1880 purchase Fixed investment
Zhongkewo Tuwojia Hybrid A China Science and Technology Worldland Fund Robust hybrid 2021/02/05 - 2021/04/27 -0.3% -3.59% 899/3288 purchase Fixed investment
Zhongkewo Tuwoan Medium and Short Rate Bond A China Science and Technology Worldland Fund Robust bond 2018/06/29 - 2021/04/27 12.76% 14.41% 313/769 purchase Fixed investment
China Kewotu Woxiang Bond was launched China Science and Technology Worldland Fund Robust bond 2017/05/06 - 2021/04/28 1.02% 14.37% 580/600 purchase Fixed investment
COVOL COINS A China Science and Technology Worldland Fund Currency A 2016/05/13 - 2021/04/27 13.3% 14.61% 219/251 purchase Fixed investment
Golden Eagle Long Term Profit Increasing Bond (LOF) C Golden Eagle Fund Robust bond 2015/03/09 - 2015/03/28 - - / purchase Fixed investment
Golden Eagle Long Term Profit Increasing Bond (LOF) C Golden Eagle Fund Robust bond 2013/12/07 - 2015/03/28 27.66% 20.1% 30/143 purchase Fixed investment
Golden Eagle durable return graded bonds Golden Eagle Fund Robust bond 2013/12/07 - 2015/03/09 - - / purchase Fixed investment

Performance of managed funds

Zhongkewo Tuwojia Hybrid A (2021/02/05-2021/04/27)
COVOL COINS A (2016/05/13-2021/04/27)