Lang Ping Won the Best Coach with Tears in His Eyes: Rio Strives to Be the Best

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 Lang Ping Lang Ping

Sina Sports News On January 24, Beijing time, the 2015 CCTV Sports Personality Annual Selection Ceremony was held in Beijing. Lang Ping won the Best Coach Award, and she also won the award again last year.

After winning the prize, Lang Ping held up the trophy: "First of all, I would like to thank the judges for their honor and the support of the fans. Volleyball is a collective event. I accept the award on behalf of the coaching team. Many of our unsung heroes are sitting there. I believe this area represents not the award ceremony, but the glory of our Olympics. This spirit inspires me and the team to win honor for the motherland and realize our dreams. "

Lang Ping was very excited at the scene, his voice choked and his eyes were filled with tears. When talking about his wish for 2016, Lang Ping said simply: "Lead the team to realize our dream." When talking about the Olympic Games, Lang Ping said: "There will be many things happening in the game, and we will try our best to do the best."

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Article keywords: Outstanding figures in the sports world Lang Ping Best Coach

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