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Doha Gymnastics Competition - Zou Kai's Freestyle Wins Jiang Yuyuan's Victory on uneven bars

http://sports.sina.com.cn    08:02, March 30, 2012    sina sports micro-blog
 Jiang Yuyuan (left) won the silver medal on uneven bars. Jiang Yuyuan (left) won the silver medal on uneven bars.

Sina Sports News On March 29 local time, the first final day of the 2012 International Gymnastics Federation Challenger Cup in Qatar was contested. The Chinese players won two gold and two silver medals. Zou Kai and Liao Qiuhua won the floor exercise and the rings respectively.

In last week's Challenger Cup competition in Cottbus, the Chinese team performed well. Veterans Chen Yibing and Xiao Qin won two gold medals in rings and pommel horse respectively. This time, the Chinese team sent a total of 10 athletes, 5 men and 5 women, to participate in the Doha round, led by Olympic champions Zou Kai and Jiang Yuyuan. In the qualification match of the previous day, the Chinese men's team and the Romanian women's team performed well, each occupying the top position in half of the individual events.

Olympic champion Zou Kai and young player Huang Yuguo played in the men's floor exercise final on the 29th. Zou Kai's difficulty reached 6.6 points, his heel was high and floating, his posture was beautiful, and he finally won the championship with 15.500 points. Croatian Markovic and Russian Kotuna were second and third respectively, with scores of 15.025 and 14.825 respectively. Huang Yuguo made a major mistake and finally got only 13.775 points, ranking seventh.

In the men's rings final, the Chinese men's team sent Liao Qiuhua to fight. The Guangdong young player successfully completed a set of 6.6 difficult moves, and completed them in one go. Finally, he won the championship with a high score of 15.575. Armenia and France ranked second and third respectively.

In addition, Liao Qiuhua also entered the final of the men's pommel horse and won the silver medal with 14.825 points. Although the difficulty of Slovenia's Belton Selye was only 6.00 points, his movement quality was difficult to find fault with, and he finally won the gold medal with 15.225 points, while France's Tomasony won the third place with 14.625 points.

In terms of women, in the final of uneven bars, British famous player Tweedle was more skillful. She excelled in a set of 6.9 difficult moves and won the gold medal with 15.175 points. Chinese player Jiang Yuyuan was less difficult and won the runner up with 14.875 points. The women's vault competition was not participated by Chinese players. In the end, the Swiss player Steingruber, who ranked first in the qualification contest, won the championship with 14.662 points.

On March 20 local time, the last five gold medals will be won in the Challenger Cup in Doha, Qatar. (new body)

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