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Pi Hongyan: Retirement Wedding after London Olympic Games Held in France in 2013

 Pi Hongyan Pi Hongyan

She once beat Zhang Ning to tears in the Beijing Olympic Games. She is the only overseas team player in the international badminton competition at present. She is over 32 years old. She is injured but still wants to stick to the London Olympic Games. She is a real Chongqing sister. Her name is Pi Hongyan, a famous name in the international badminton world. Yesterday, at the Qingdao Sudirman Cup, the reporter of Chongqing Morning Post met this old friend again. She talked about badminton, love, marriage, and post retirement planning... Optimism, confidence, and tenacity are the deepest impressions of this Chongqing sister.

   Say the goal

   Strive for medals in London Olympic Games

After the women's singles match between the French team and the Ukrainian team, Pi Hongyan received interviews from the French, British and Chinese media in the mixed mining area. She was comfortable with the free conversion of French, English and Chinese. Later, Pi Hongyan also said modestly: "It's not good to speak, but it's OK to deal with interviews."

In all media interviews, everyone raised a common question - "Pi Hongyan, how long are you going to play?" "Retire after the London Olympic Games." Pi Hongyan answered readily. Pi Hongyan, who has reached the age of 32, is a senior player in the badminton arena. With all the injuries, Pi Hongyan has no idea whether she can stick to the 2012 London Olympic Games.

On January 5 this year, Pi Hongyan had an operation on her left leg due to a cruciate ligament strain. She did not train for nearly three months after the operation. She did not return to the training ground until a month before the start of this Sudiman Cup. "Although I defeated the Ukrainian players 2-0, in fact, my condition only recovered 30%. If I want to return to the peak, I need to work harder." According to the regulations of the French Olympic Committee, if Pi Hongyan wants to qualify for the London Olympic Games, she must be selected through the points contest. From May of this year to April of next year, there are countless points competitions of various sizes. Only those who have participated in these competitions and have the highest points will have the chance to qualify for the Olympic Games. However, it is not easy for Pi Hongyan, who has not completely recovered from her competitive state after surgery. However, she firmly believes that she can qualify for the Olympic Games. "If I qualify for the London Olympic Games, I will try my best to win a medal."

   show of affection

   After the operation, he was taken care of by his fiance

As an athlete who has dominated the arena for many years, it has long been customary to have injuries. But it is puzzling that when talking about the operation, Pi Hongyan even showed a happy smile on her face: "Thanks to his careful care, I recovered so quickly." Who is he? She is Pi Hongyan's fiance, Nicola, a famous French windsurfer.

According to Pi Hongyan, in January this year, in order to help Pi Hongyan recover from surgery as soon as possible, Nicola asked for a leave of two weeks and came to Paris from Marseille to take care of Pi Hongyan wholeheartedly. "Those two weeks have been very comfortable. I sit on the sofa every day without moving anything, and live a life of opening my mouth and clothes to reach out. He also has to give me injections, change medicine, wash clothes..." Recalling this, Pi Hongyan's face shows a happy smile again.

   Reveal a secret

   The wedding was held in France in 2013

Pi Hongyan and Nikola have been engaged for many years and have not been able to get married, mainly because they are busy with training and competition and have no time to hold the wedding ceremony. Since it has been decided to retire after the London Olympic Games, the top priority after retirement is naturally to hold a wedding. Pi Hongyan said: "We decided to hold the wedding after the London Olympic Games, but because it is difficult to book hotels in France, we usually have to wait six months after booking. Our wedding may be held in 2013."

Pi Hongyan said that she would not hold another Chinese wedding in Chongqing, but would definitely invite relatives and friends back to Chongqing for dinner. "The reason why they don't want to hold a wedding in Chongqing is mainly to respect their parents' decision, because they are unwilling to accept 'red envelopes', and they feel troubled," Pi Hongyan revealed.

   Talking about feelings

   Home badminton stadium is better than France

Although she has been playing abroad for 10 years, Pi Hongyan often returns to China to participate in various competitions. She has a lot of feelings about the development of badminton in China. "Badminton has developed too fast in China in recent years. Both the venues and the number of participants, as well as the relevant attention, have been greatly improved."

What surprised Pi Hongyan most was that the domestic stadiums were built too much and too well. According to her introduction, there are too few badminton stadiums in France. At present, she works as an intern coach in a club with a group of young players. Because of the small number of stadiums, she can only apply to the government for the right to use them once a week, and these young people can only train once a week.

At the end of last year, Pi Hongyan was invited to attend the Chinese Badminton Culture Festival held in Wansheng, her hometown, Pi Hongyan, who has not returned to her hometown for several years, exclaimed after seeing the badminton stadium in Wansheng Sports Center: "This stadium is so beautiful. The wooden floor, luxurious floor glue, heating, air conditioning, and even street lights are all made into racket shapes, as well as the badminton sculpture at the door. I took many photos there." In her opinion, The badminton stadium in my hometown is even better than that of the French national team.

   Looking forward to the future

   I also want to return to Chongqing to teach

Zhang Yawen, also a famous badminton player in Wansheng District of Chongqing, opened a badminton club in Chongqing after retiring from the national team. As for her plans after retirement, Pi Hongyan said that she was still willing to return to China to teach. She said: "If there is a suitable opportunity, I still hope to return to China, even Chongqing to work and live." However, Pi Hongyan also had concerns, "If Nikola goes back to China, he needs a coastal city for windsurfing, but Chongqing does not have such conditions, which makes me feel very difficult."

Whether going back to China or staying in France, one thing Pi Hongyan is very determined to do is work related to badminton. "If I stay in France after retirement, I will try my best to promote the development of badminton in France. I can use the relationship of the domestic badminton industry to organize French teenagers to come to China for training and exchange."

Huang Deqiang, reporter of Chongqing Morning News (special message from Qingdao)

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