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Race Walker Wang Haocheng: Best New Player of the Year Liu Guoliang Laughs at Flying Man Liu Xiang

http://sports.sina.com.cn    01:11, January 17, 2010    Hua'ao Starry Sky

Beijing, January 16 (Reporter Li Lei) The 2009 Anta CCTV Sports Awards Ceremony was held in the Centennial Lecture Hall of Peking University tonight. The first announced award of the best new man of the year was won by Wang Hao, a 20-year-old walking athlete. He won the silver medal in the 20km walking race at the Berlin World Track and Field Championships in August this year, rewriting the best performance of the Chinese men's athletes in the world race walking.

Young Wang Hao was very excited to get this award. He said in a slightly trembling voice at the award ceremony: "Thank my parents, thank them for their training over the years. Thanks to my coach, without him, I would not be today. He is now 62 years old and very hard. I am especially grateful to him for getting this award. In addition, before the World Championships, when I was in Berlin, Director Duan of the General Administration of Sport of the People's Republic of China said to me, 'On the field, you should remember one sentence: you are Chinese!' "

At the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Wang Hao won the fourth place in the men's 20 km walking race. A year later, in the men's 20 km walking event of the 12th IAAF World Athletics Championships held in Berlin on August 15, 2009, Wang Hao, 19 years old, finally won the silver medal with a personal best time of 1 hour, 19 minutes and 06 seconds, and rewritten the best performance of Chinese men's athletes in the world race walking event. The next day, August 16, was Wang Hao's 20th birthday. He gave himself a heavy gift with such an achievement.

It is worth mentioning that, as the awarding guests of this project, Liu Xiang, a 100m hurdler, and Liu Guoliang, the head coach of the Chinese men's table tennis team, witnessed the birth of this award with everyone. Liu Guoliang jokingly said: "Although Liu Xiang speaks very modestly, he is not modest when picking up the award." Liu Guoliang, who is very eloquent, said before announcing the final winner of the award: "Since Liu Xiang started his career, he has won four (elite figures in the sports world) gold statuettes, so we have no chance to win table tennis. But no matter how hard he takes it, he can't win the rookie award, but we can also train players to win the rookie award (laugh). "

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