Western media reports Mourinho will return to Real Madrid Benitez is about to quit

08:55, December 23, 2015    sina sports micro-blog Collect this article
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 Radio Sel: Mourinho will replace Benitez Radio Sel: Mourinho will replace Benitez

Sina Sports News According to the El Largero program of Spanish Radio Sel, Benitez's time in Real Madrid has entered the countdown, and even he cannot sit on the sidelines to conduct the match between Real Madrid and the Royal Society on December 30. Mourinho will return to Real Madrid.

At the beginning of this season, Benitez and Real Madrid players have been in constant conflict. Benitez's training methods have never been recognized by Real Madrid players. After the team's victory over Balekano, Ramos once said, "If Florentino said Benitez is our solution, then he is. We are just laborers, and Florentino is the king."

Radio Sel pointed out that Real Madrid have contacted Mourinho to invite him to return to Real Madrid for the second time, which also means that Benitez will be dismissed. Since Mourinho left Chelsea, the rumours about his return to Real Madrid have never stopped.

According to some British media reports, Mourinho is close to joining Manchester United, but his agent Mendes denied the news yesterday.


Article keywords: Benitez jose mourinho Mendes Rayo Vallecano Ramos

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